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International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
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Inicio International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
ISSN: 1697-2600

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology publishes manuscripts with a basic and applied emphasis, including experimental, clinical and theoretical work contributing to the advancement of Clinical and Health Psychology. The IJCHP aims to target four core domains: clinical psychology and psychotherapy, psychopathology, health psychology and clinical neurosciences. The Journal publishes Original Articles (empirical studies) and Review Articles.

Manuscripts submitted to IJCHP should be novel (i.e., not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere). All signing authors must agree on the submitted version of the manuscript. By submitting their manuscript, the authors agree to relinquish their copyrights to the Journal for the duration of the editorial process.

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Social Sciences Citation Index, SCOPUS, PubMed Central, PsycInfo, IBECS (Índice Bibliográfico Español de Ciencias de la Salud) and Psicodoc.

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Factor de impacto

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Factor de impacto 2023

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Citescore 2023

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Últimos artículos publicados
Original article
Overcontrol in anorexia nervosa: Elevated prefrontal activity and amygdala connectivity in a working memory task with food distractors
Sophie Pauligk, Maria Seidel, Franziska Ritschel, Daniel Geisler, Arne Doose, Ilka Boehm, Inger Hellerhoff, Franziska Ludwicki, ... Stefan Ehrlich
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Original article
Acceptance and commitment therapy for nurses’ sleep, rumination, psychological flexibility, and it's neural mechanism: A randomized controlled fNIRS study
Difan Wang, Bingyan Lin, Jiaxue Du, Wenyu Liu, Tong Sun, Qingyi Li, Lijun Xiao
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Cognitive interventions for healthy older adults: A systematic meta-review
Vitória Velloso, Sofia Latgé-Tovar, Iris Bomilcar, Daniel C. Mograbi
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Número actual
Vol. 24. Núm. 4.
(octubre - diciembre 2024)
Original articles
Superhero in a skirt: Psychological resilience of Ukrainian refugee women in Poland. A thematic analysis
Maria Baran, Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska, Marcelina Zjawińska, Larysa Sugay, Irena Pujszo, Yuliia Ovsiienko, Viktoriia Naritsa, Julia Niedziałek, Marta Boczkowska
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2024;24:100506
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Decoding ruminative reflection in healthy individuals: The role of triple network connectivity
Luqing Wei, Hui Dong, Zijing Zhang, Chris Baeken, Yige Wang, Guo-Rong Wu
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2024;24:100508
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Neural underpinnings of a two-phase memory suppression process in the neural response to self-related and observed perspective views
Xinwei Song, Qi Liu, Xiaodong Zhang, Can Liu, Chunmei Lan, Xiaolu Zhang, Ting Xu, Ran Zhang, ... Weihua Zhao
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2024;24:100509
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Información para autores
Publique en International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
Call for papers
Editado por: Alejandro Guillén-Riquelme, Gualberto Buela-Casal, Katie Moraes de Almondes
Acepta nuevos artículos hasta el 30 de enero de 2025
Editado por: Ana Rita Silva, Elodie Bertrand
Acepta nuevos artículos hasta el 1 de febrero de 2025
Lo más leído
F. Schwendinger, V.N. Looser, M. Gerber, A. Schmidt-Trucksäss
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2024;24:
Este artículo se ha leído 5.691 veces
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