Journal Information
Original article
Immediate effects of a rhino-pharyngeal clearance protocol in nasal obstruction and middle ear condition of children under 3 years of age with upper respiratory infections: A randomized controlled trial
Efectos inmediatos de un protocolo de aclaramiento rinofaríngeo en la obstrucción nasal y el estado del oído medio en niños menores de 3 años con infecciones respiratorias superiores: un ensayo controlado aleatorizado
Ana Silva Alexandrinoa,b,
, Rita Santosa,b, Cristina Meloa,b, David Toméb,c, José Mesquita Bastosd, Guy Postiauxe
Corresponding author
a Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health – P.Porto, Portugal
b Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 400, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal
c Department of Audiology, School of Health – P.Porto, Portugal
d Baixo Vouga Hospital Centre, Aveiro, Portugal
e Department of Intensive Care and Pediatric Service, Grand Hôpital de Charleroi – GHDC, Charleroi, Belgium