Presentamos un caso clínico de schwannoma benigno de localización presacra, que provoca ureterohidronefrosis derecha sin sintomatología. Tras un diagnóstico inicial mediante punción aspiración con aguja fina dirigida por TC, de tumor fusocelular sin atipia citológica compatible con schwannoma, se realiza exéresis quirúrgica, cuyo estudio anatomopatológico (con técnicas inmunohistoquímicas sobre la proteína S-100) confirma el diagnóstico de schwannoma benigno
We report a case of a presacral benign schwannoma which causes right hydroureteronephrosis without other clinical findings
After a fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy under computed tomography (CT) guidance, a fusocellular tumour without athypia was demonstrated
With the initial diagnosis of benign schwannoma the patient was operated on, removing the tumour, and with the immunohistochemical examination (reactivity for S-100) this diagnosis was confirmed