Evaluar la evolución y resultados del trasplante renal de donante cadáver en pacientes con ampliaciones vesicales realizadas por alteración del tracto urinario inferior (TUI).
Pacientes y métodosEntre 1980 y 2001 hemos realizado 4 trasplantes renales en pacientes con fibrosis vesical restrictiva secundaria a tuberculosis (3 hombres y 1 mujer). Previamente se realizó ampliación vesical intestinal: 3 ileocecocistoplastias y 1 ileocistoplastia.
ResultadosTras 27 y 74 meses desde el trasplante renal 2 pacientes conservan buena función renal. Un paciente perdió el injerto por rechazo crónico a los 98 meses y el restante falleció a los 36 meses por sepsis de origen intestinal, conservando el injerto funcionante. Tres casos tuvieron complicaciones post-quirúrgicas que precisaron de tratamiento instrumental. Ningún paciente presentó incontinencia urinaria.
ConclusionesLa enterocistoplastia es un procedimiento seguro y eficaz para pacientes con alteración del TUI y que precisan de trasplante renal.
To asses the impact of augmentation enterocystoplasty on the success of cadaveric renal transplantation in patients with dysfunctional bladders.
Patients and methodsBetween 1980 and 2001, 3 men and a woman with severe dysfunctional lower urinary tract underwent a total of 4 cadaveric renal transplantations. The etiologies of the bladder dysfunction were bladder contraction secondary to urinary tuberculosis in all cases. In 3 patients were performed an enterocystoplasty with ileocecal segment and one with ileon.
ResultsThe overall allograft survival was 58.7 months. Two patients have functioning grafts 27 and 74 months after transplant, 1 has died due to an intestinal disease and other had crohnic rejection after follow-up of 98 months. Technical complications occurred in 3 patients. All patients remain continent without catheterization after the transplantation.
ConclusionsEnterocystoplasty is a safe and effective method of restoring lower urinary tract function in the patient with end stage renal disease and a small non compliant bladder.