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Ureteral access sheath-related injuries vs. post-operative infections. Is sheath insertion always needed? A prospective randomized study to understand the lights and shadows of this practice
Lesiones relacionadas con la vaina de acceso ureteral frente a infecciones postoperatorias. ¿Es siempre necesaria la inserción de la vaina de acceso? Estudio prospectivo aleatorizado para comprender las luces y sombras de esta práctica
G. Bozzinia,b,
, L. Bevilacquac, U. Besanab, A. Calorib, A. Pastored, J. Romero Oteroe, A. Macchif, P. Brogginib, A. Bredaa,g, A. Gozena,h, R. Inzilloc, S. Puliattic, M.C. Sighinolfic, B. Roccoa,c, E. Liatsikosa,i, A. Mullerj, C. Buizzab
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a ESUT, European Section for UroTechnology EAU, Arnhem, The Netherlands
b Urology Department, ASST Valle Olona, Busto Arsizio, Lombardía, Italy
c Urology Department, Baggiovara Hospital, Módena, Italy
d Urology Department, Università La Sapienza, Latina, Italy
e Urology Department, Hospital 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain
f Urology Department, INT, Milán, Italy
g Urology Department, Fundacio Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain
h Urology Department, University of Heidelberg, Heilbronn, Germany
i Urology Department, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
j Urology Department, Limattal Hospital, Schilieren, Switzerland
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