59-Year-old female patient with a previous medical history of colon adenocarcinoma treated by segmental resection of the splenic flexure in 2012. Pathology report: signet ring cells and 40% of mucinous component (stage-IIIc: T4aN2bM0). Adjuvant chemotherapy with FOLFOX.
Posterior lymph node recurrence treated with neoadjuvance therapy (Folfiri-Bevacizumab), lymphadenectomy of interaortocaval and celiac regions (8/11 affected), and adjuvant therapy (Capecitabine).
In 2015, we diagnosed a recurrence at hepatic hilum that infiltrated the intrahepatic bile duct (diffuse calcifications suggestive of metastasis of mucinous origin (Fig. 1), requiring placement of two biliary prostheses due to obstructive cholestasis.
Progression of the disease requiring gastric bypass surgery due to duodenal obstruction and multiple biliary prosthesis replacements.
Please cite this article as: Guarner P, Garrido L, Momblán D, Lacy AM. Infiltraciones calcificadas difusas de la vía biliar intrahepática: metástasis de adenocarcinoma mucinoso. Cir Esp. 2020;98:98.