The patient is a 50-year-old woman with recurrent locally infiltrating ductal carcinoma who underwent selective biopsy of the sentinel lymph node (SLN) and right mastectomy. The SPECT/CT images identified migration of the radiopharmaceutical towards the right and left axillary lymph nodes (contralateral drainage). The SLN technique is not contraindicated in patients with previous surgery, although its use is controversial as it interrupts the original lymph duct from the tumor to the SLN. Aberrant/contralateral lymph node drainage is uncommon and can occur in patients with prior surgery or radiotherapy. SPECT/CT images show the precise locations of the lymph nodes and allow for the therapeutic strategy to be modified with a bilateral axillary approach (Fig. 1).
Please cite this article as: Sanz-Viedma S, Scholz Gutierrez V, Fernández-Garcia FJ, Jiménez-Hoyuela JM. Linfogammagrafía con SPECT/TC de un drenaje axilar contralateral en paciente con cáncer de mama. Cir Esp. 2017;95:348.