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Review article
Development of burnout and moral distress in intensive care nurses: An integrative literature review
Desarrollo del burnout y del distrés moral en enfermeras de unidades de cuidados intensivos: una revisión integrativa de la literatura
V. Salas-Bergüésa, M. Pereira-Sánchezb,c, J. Martín-Martínb,
, M. Olano-Lizarragab,c,d
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a Clínica Universidad de Navarra, Intensive Care Unit, Pamplona, Spain
b Universidad de Navarra, School of Nursing, Department of Nursing Care for Adult Patients, Pamplona, Spain
c Universidad de Navarra, ICCP-UNAV (Innovation for a Person-Centred Care Research Group), Pamplona, Spain
d IdiSNA, Navarra Institute for Health Research, Pamplona, Spain