Las lesiones deportivas en el hombro pueden acelerar y mejorar su tratamiento con un buen programa de ejercicios acuáticos. Las características del medio acuático nos permiten movilizar todo el conjunto articular sin dolor y evitar la pérdida de otras capacidades funcionales, siendo así de obligado uso en la recuperación funcional.The treatment of shoulder injuries from athletic activities can be accelerated and improved with a good program of aquatic exercises. The characteristics of the aquatic environment allow us to mobilize the entire joint without pain and to avoid loss of other functional capacities. Thus, its use is obligatory in functional recovery.
The treatment of shoulder injuries from athletic activities can be accelerated and improved with a good program of aquatic exercises. The characteristics of the aquatic environment allow us to mobilize the entire joint without pain and to avoid loss of other functional capacities. Thus, its use is obligatory in functional recovery
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