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International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology
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Section Index

200 Articles
Symptoms of emotional disorders and sociodemographic factors as moderators of dropout in psychological treatment: A meta-review
María Carpallo-González, Roger Muñoz-Navarro, César González-Blanch, Antonio Cano-Vindel
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100379
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A biphasic relational approach to the evolution of human consciousness
Steven C. Hayes, Stefan G. Hofmann
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100380
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Cognitive behavioral stress management for parents: Prevention and reduction of parental burnout
Agata Maria Urbanowicz, Rebecca Shankland, Jaynie Rance, Paul Bennett, Christophe Leys, Aurélie Gauchet
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100365

  • Compared to the control group the CBSM intervention contributed to a significant reduction in parental burnout.

  • The lower parental burnout scores were maintained at three-month follow-up.

  • The reduction in parental burnout was mediated by a decrease in stress and an increase in unconditional self-kindness.

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Prevalence and risk factors for nonconsensual distribution of intimate images among Italian young adults: Implications for prevention and intervention
Antonella Brighi, Alberto Amadori, Kolis Summerer, Damiano Menin
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100414
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The influence of electroconvulsive therapy on reconsolidation of autobiographical memories: A retrospective quasi-experimental study in patients with depression
Leonardo Wiedemann, Samuel Trumm, Malek Bajbouj, Simone Grimm, Sabine Aust
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100412
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Dual-site beta tACS over rIFG and M1 enhances response inhibition: A parallel multiple control and replication study
Qiujian Meng, Ying Zhu, Ye Yuan, Rui Ni, Li Yang, Jiafang Liu, Junjie Bu
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100411
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A scale to measure the worry level in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy with sedation: Development, reliability, and validity
Xiaoyu Yu, Haijun Deng, Ziyi Xiong, Pan Gong, Mingmei Ye, Tao Liu, Xiuyan Long, Li Tian
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100410
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Supervised machine learning: A new method to predict the outcomes following exercise intervention in children with autism spectrum disorder
Zhiyuan Sun, Yunhao Yuan, Xiaoxiao Dong, Zhimei Liu, Kelong Cai, Wei Cheng, Jingjing Wu, Zhiyuan Qiao, Aiguo Chen
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100409
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Dimensional emotions are represented by distinct topographical brain networks
Yoonsang Lee, Yeji Seo, Youngju Lee, Dongha Lee
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100408
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Dysfunction of visual novelty detection in physical but not social anhedonia in a non-clinical sample
Ya Zheng, Zhao Wang, Bo Gao, Li Zhou, Qi Li
Int J Clin Health Psychol. 2023;23:100407
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