This is the third English-language edition of Sleep Disorders Medicine, and the first to appear in Spanish as Medicina de los trastornos del sueño. The first edition was published in the mid-1990s and became a work of reference owing to its unique combination of basic science and technical and clinical aspects. The third edition includes substantial updates to the previous edition and remains one of the best available books on sleep medicine.
The text contains 678 pages written by multiple authors and edited by Sudhansu Chokroverty, an internationally recognised expert in sleep medicine. This book includes the contributions of 59 professionals who deal with sleep disorders from the perspectives of different disciplines: neurology, neurophysiology, psychiatry, psychology, paediatrics, cardiology, epidemiology, genomics, and otorhinolaryngology.
This treatise contains a section on the basic science behind sleep disorders, which is important in order to understand the fundamentals of this field of study. It also contains a technical section and an extensive clinical section providing in-depth descriptions of different sleep disorders.
This is the first edition of this classic text on sleep disorders medicine to have been translated into Spanish, and no similar books have been published in our market. Its clear writing style and excellent illustrations make the book a highly recommendable reference for any professionals interested in this field.
It comes with Expert Consult, an online resource in English.
Please cite this article as: Sansa Fayos G. Medicina de los trastornos del sueño. Tercera edición. Neurología. 2012;27:518.