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33 Congreso Nacional de la SERAM TÉCNICOS. MESA COLOQUIO
Journal Information


Congress content
33 Congreso Nacional de la SERAM
Bilbao, 18 - 21 May 2016
List of sessions


Cartas de presentación

  • Carta de la Presidente de la SERAM
  • Carta de la Presidente del Comité Científico
  • Carta del Presidente del Comité Organizador Local

Comités del 33 Congreso de la SERAM

  • Presidencia de honor y comités
  • Comité organizador del 33 Congreso de la SERAM
  • Comité organizador local
  • Comité científico del 33 Congreso de la SERAM
  • Subcomités científicos del 33 Congreso de la SERAM
  • SERAM - Filial de la SERAM en Euskadi. Junta directiva SERAM
  • Junta directiva de la filial de SERAM en Euskadi
  • Comisión científica de la SERAM

Medallas de Oro de la SERAM

  • Dra. Dña. Carmen Martínez Serrano
  • Dr. D. Javier Beltrán Latorre
  • Dr. D. Pablo Ros Riera

Miembros de honor

  • Prof. Mauricio Castillo
  • Prof. Paul M. Parizel
  • Prof. Eric J. Stern

Sistema de acreditación

Información general del congreso

  • Fechas del congreso
  • Sede del congreso
  • Página web del congreso
  • Secretaría Científica y Técnica
  • Inscripción
  • Horario del congreso
  • Secretaría Técnica y entrega de documentación
  • Normas para ponentes
  • Normas para trabajos libres
  • Entrega del material audiovisual
  • Publicaciones del congreso
  • Premios del congreso
  • Cafés de trabajo
  • Reservas de hoteles
  • Medios de transporte

Programa científico


33 Congreso Nacional de la SERAM
List of sessions


Cartas de presentación

  • Carta de la Presidente de la SERAM
  • Carta de la Presidente del Comité Científico
  • Carta del Presidente del Comité Organizador Local

Comités del 33 Congreso de la SERAM

  • Presidencia de honor y comités
  • Comité organizador del 33 Congreso de la SERAM
  • Comité organizador local
  • Comité científico del 33 Congreso de la SERAM
  • Subcomités científicos del 33 Congreso de la SERAM
  • SERAM - Filial de la SERAM en Euskadi. Junta directiva SERAM
  • Junta directiva de la filial de SERAM en Euskadi
  • Comisión científica de la SERAM

Medallas de Oro de la SERAM

  • Dra. Dña. Carmen Martínez Serrano
  • Dr. D. Javier Beltrán Latorre
  • Dr. D. Pablo Ros Riera

Miembros de honor

  • Prof. Mauricio Castillo
  • Prof. Paul M. Parizel
  • Prof. Eric J. Stern

Sistema de acreditación

Información general del congreso

  • Fechas del congreso
  • Sede del congreso
  • Página web del congreso
  • Secretaría Científica y Técnica
  • Inscripción
  • Horario del congreso
  • Secretaría Técnica y entrega de documentación
  • Normas para ponentes
  • Normas para trabajos libres
  • Entrega del material audiovisual
  • Publicaciones del congreso
  • Premios del congreso
  • Cafés de trabajo
  • Reservas de hoteles
  • Medios de transporte

Programa científico


Full Text

0 - Situación de Técnico de radiología en Europa

G. Paulo

Prof. Coordenador e Presidente da Comissão Científica do curso de Imagem Médica e Radioterapia, Coimbra, Portugal.

Objetivo docente: To understand the concept of the European Qualification Framework. To be aware of the level education of radiographers in Europe. To understand the differences between the radiographers in Spain when compared to other countries.

Discusión: In 2008, after an EU project (226008-CP-1-2005-1-UK-ERASMUS-TN): HENRE II (Higher Education Network for Radiography in Europe), a Template for Radiography Education in Europe was made under Tuning Methodology ( The published document, developed by HENRE II sub-group 1, recommends that Radiography Courses should be delivered by Higher Education Institutions, with a first cycle of education of 240 ECTS according to Bologna Process concept. This recommendation was made taking into account what is expected from a Radiographer, as a health professional, in a modern health care system, namely: To have professional autonomy and accountability, develop good professional relationships, develop personal and professional skills and demonstrate an ethical and knowledgeable understanding of the profession. To apply radiographic and radiotherapeutic practice in securing, maintaining or improving health and well-being. To develop knowledge, understanding and skills that underpin their education and training to contribute to future health and wellbeing of the patient. To understand that professional advancement arises out of evidence-based practice and is informed through focused research. These healthcare professionals are able to plan, organize, apply and evaluate their work process with the aims of promoting health, preventing disease, making the diagnosis, and treating diseases. The radiographer is a healthcare team member who interacts with other professionals in the primary and secondary healthcare environment to provide an optimum diagnostic or therapeutic outcome. The radiographer has the responsibility to: Plan, prepare and perform safe and accurate imaging examinations, using a wide range of sophisticated equipment and techniques in the Diagnostic field. Plan, prepare and perform safe and accurate high-energy radiation treatments, using a wide range of sophisticated equipment and techniques in the Therapeutic field. While performing their role the radiographer is responsible for the radiation protection, patient care and quality assurance of the radiological or radiotherapeutic procedure. The level of knowledge, skills and competence of a radiographer should be at the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) level 6, which is equivalent to the QF-EHEA Bachelor level.

Referencias bibliográficas

European Communities. Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning. Official Journal of the European Union, 2008;111:1-7.

Higher Education Network for Radiography in Europe. Overview of the Tuning Template for Radiography in Europe. HENRE, 2008.

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