This interesting book written by two American traumatologists, recently published in paperback format, has come into my hands for its book review. It is included in the Mobile Medicine book collection, whose authors are all doctors in their stage of specialization, the books being supervised by renowned university professors.
The first surprise you receive when you open this small manual is that it covers much more than its succinct title would lead you to believe. The 300-page handbook is organized into 4 parts; only part 3, which takes up almost half of the length of the book, corresponds to the title subject. The first part, on analgesia techniques, explains very simply and concisely how to apply different regional anesthetic techniques to patients with fractures. The second part describes basic reduction maneuvers and includes extensive illustrations, including high-quality photos and drawings and tables. The third part of the handbook focuses on step-by-step descriptions of applying splints and casts on limbs. It begins with an introduction entitled “First, Do No Harm”, in which special emphasis is placed on the potential complications that can arise from casts. After the first few pages dedicated to the basics, the authors describe – systematically and sticking to the essentials – the indications, precautions, tips and key notions, materials needed and basic techniques of putting on different splints or plaster and fiberglass casts, all with clear, instructive photos. The fourth and final part of the handbook shows how to apply various kinds of trans-skeletal tractions.
In the Foreword, the authors regret that “a book dealing with how to reduce, cast, and splint has not previously been published”, with this knowledge being transmitted from teacher to student for centuries – which puts this “popular wisdom” in danger of extinction. It is true that, in our country, the doctors Sanchís-Olmos and Vaquero González published a book on “The Technique of Plaster Casts” in 1957, which has taught many generations of traumatologists to apply casts. However, it must be admitted that, since then, I have not seen a publication that includes the advances introduced.
In summary, this small handbook seems essential, not only for all specialists in training, but also for undergraduate students and for doctors and nurses in emergency rooms. They are all going to find a wealth of useful information in it that is hard to find in other reference books, information well-chosen and enlivened with tips and suggestions. It is a pity that the publisher did not complement the handbook with a digital version that could be downloaded to tablets and cell phones, so often used now by young doctors in their daily practice.
Please, cite this article as: Vaquero Martín J. Manual de inmovilizaciones y vendajes en traumatología. Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol. 2013;57:235.