Journal Information
Rebuilding public trust in government administrations through e-government actions
D. Belanche Gracia, L.V. Casaló Ariño
Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC. 2015;19:1-11
Open access
Perceived influence on behavior of user-generated content on social network sites: An empirical application in the hotel sector
Á. Herrero Crespo, H. San Martín Gutiérrez, J.M. Hernández Mogollón
Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC. 2015;19:12-23
Open access
Mixed assortments vs. store brand-only assortments: The impact of assortment composition and consumer characteristics on store loyalty
J.C. Gázquez-Abad, F.J. Martínez-López, J.A. Mondéjar-Jiménez, I. Esteban-Millat
Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC. 2015;19:24-45
Open access
Expert vs. novice users: Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of online discounts and gifts
E. Crespo-Almendros, S. Del Barrio-García
Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC. 2015;19:46-61
Open access
Shanghai adolescents’ brand interactions on the Chinese Social Networking Site Qzone: A Uses and Gratifications Approach
V. Apaolaza, P. Hartmann, J. He, J.M. Barrutia, C. Echebarria
Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC. 2015;19:62-70
Open access