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[18F]FDG PET/CT in an azygos vein spindle-cell sarcoma in a patient with thoracic pain
[18F]FDG PET/TC en un sarcoma fusocelular de la vena ácigos en un paciente con dolor torácico
I. León-Asuero-Morenoa, P. Fernández-Rodríguezb,
, J.M. Masero Carreteroc, Y. Herrera Martínezb, J.M. Jiménez-Hoyuela Garcíab, I. Acevedo Báñezb
Corresponding author
a Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Virgen Macarena University Hospital, Seville, Spain
b Servicio de Medicina Nuclear, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Seville, Spain
c Servicio de Anatomía Patológica, Department of Pathology, Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Seville, Spain