Journal Information
Parents of Children with Down Syndrome
Josep Mª. Corretger Rauet
Rev Med Int Sindr Down. 2008;12:33
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Ageing in Down Syndrome: DYRK1A As a Candidate Gene for Cognitive Decline
María Martínez de Lagrán, Analía Bortolozzi, Juan Gispert, Olga Millán, Francesc Artigas, Cristina Fillat, Maria del Mar Dierssen
Rev Med Int Sindr Down. 2008;12:34-40
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Clinical case
Acute Pancreatitis secondary to gallstones in a girl with Down Syndrome
Bibiana Friguls, Guillem Pintos, Maria Méndez, Marta Azuara, Carlos Rodrigo
Rev Med Int Sindr Down. 2008;12:41-3
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Advances in psichology and education
The role of interaction and communication in early language acquisition among children with DS
Antònia Domènech i Montagut
Rev Med Int Sindr Down. 2008;12:44-8
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