Corresponding author at: Department of Clinical Laboratories and Forensic Medicine, Jordan University Hospital, Queen Rania Al-Abdullah Street-Aljubeiha/P.O. Box: 13046, Amman, Jordan.
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Would senior citizens get vaccinated against RSV? Exploratory analysis using a novel survey instrument
¿Se vacunarían las personas mayores frente al VRS? Análisis exploratorio utilizando un instrumento de encuesta nuevo
Mohammad Abu-Ghosha, Dareen Salehb, Joud Al-Haddadb, Leen Sabbahb, Raghad Alnusairatb, Muna Barakatc, Malik Sallama,d,
Corresponding author
Corresponding author at: Department of Clinical Laboratories and Forensic Medicine, Jordan University Hospital, Queen Rania Al-Abdullah Street-Aljubeiha/P.O. Box: 13046, Amman, Jordan.
Corresponding author at: Department of Clinical Laboratories and Forensic Medicine, Jordan University Hospital, Queen Rania Al-Abdullah Street-Aljubeiha/P.O. Box: 13046, Amman, Jordan.
a Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Forensic Medicine, School of Medicine, The University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan
b School of Medicine, The University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan
c Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Applied Science Private University, Amman 11931, Jordan
d Department of Clinical Laboratories and Forensic Medicine, Jordan University Hospital, Amman 11942, Jordan