An 87-year-old woman came to the Emergency Department with a 48-hour history of intestinal obstruction and a soft and palpable 15cm mass on the left labia majora. Relevant clinical history was a hysterectomy 44 years ago and four subsequent surgical interventions for colpocele and cystocele; the last surgery was performed 15 years ago. The CT scan showed the presence of caecum and terminal ileum at labium majus level, between the vagina and rectum. The patient underwent surgery, confirming the CT scan findings. Surgery included reduction of hernia content and sacrocolpopexy, placing a polypropylene mesh (Figs. 1 and 2).
Please cite this article as: Zarain Obrador L, Cuadrado Ayuso M, Rey Valcárcel C, Pérez Díaz M.D. Enterocele conteniendo ciego e íleon terminal a nivel de labio mayor. Cir Esp. 2013;91:676.