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Inicio Revista Clínica de Periodoncia, Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral Single Exposure of Human Oral Mucosa Fibroblasts to Ultraviolet B Radiation Redu...
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Vol. 3. Núm. 3.
Páginas 123-127 (diciembre 2010)
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Vol. 3. Núm. 3.
Páginas 123-127 (diciembre 2010)
Open Access
Single Exposure of Human Oral Mucosa Fibroblasts to Ultraviolet B Radiation Reduces Proliferation and Induces COX-2 Expression and Activation
Y. Boza1,2, R. Yefi1, M.I. Rudolph1, P.C. Smith3, T.M. Oberyszyn4, K.L. Tober4, I.G. Rojas1,
Autor para correspondencia

Correspondencia autor: Depto. Estomatología Quirúrgica. Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción. Casilla 160-C. Concepción, Chile.
1 Departamento de Estomatología Quirúrgica y Laboratorio de Biología y Patología Oral. Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Concepción. Concepción, Chile
2 Programa de Magíster en Ciencias Odontológicas, Mención Patología. Escuela de Graduados, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Chile. Santiago, Chile
3 Unidad Académica Odontología. Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile
4 Department of Pathology. College of Medicine, The Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio, USA
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Información del artículo

The lip vermillion constitutes a transition tissue, between oral mucosa and skin, where oral mucosal cells from epithelial and connective tissue compartments are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) sunlight. Fibroblasts are abundant resident cells of the connective tissue which are key regulators of extracellular matrix composition, as well as, epithelial and endothelial cell function. UVB light, an inherent component of sunlight, causes several alterations in skin fibroblasts, including premature senescence and increased cyclooxygenase COX-2 expression. To assess if UVB irradiation had similar effects on fibroblasts derived from human oral mucosa (HOM), primary cultures of HOM fibroblasts were irradiated with a single dose of 30 or 60mJ/cm2 of UVB light or sham-irradiated. Fibroblast proliferation was assessed from 3 to 48hrs after UVB-irradiation utilizing [3H]-thymidine incorporation and MTT assays. In addition, COX-2 mRNA expression was detected by RT-PCR, and PGE2 production was assessed using enzyme immunoassay from 0.5 to 24hrs after UVB-irradiation. The results showed a significant decrease in proliferation of UVB-irradiated HOM fibroblasts as compared to controls as measured by both [3H]-thymidine incorporation and MTT assays (p<0.001). HOM fibroblasts had increased COX-2 mRNA expression at 0.5 and 12hrs after irradiation, and PGE2 production was elevated at 12 and 24hrs post-irradiation as compared to controls (p<0.05). The results showed an inhibitory effect of a single dose of UVB irradiation on HOM fibroblast proliferation with an increase in COX-2 expression and activation. Therefore, photodamaged fibroblasts may play and important role in the pathogenesis of UV-induced lesions of the lip.

Key words:
Oral fibroblasts
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Copyright © 2010. Sociedad de Periodoncia de Chile, Sociedad de Implantología Oral de Chile y Sociedad de Prótesis y Rehabilitación Oral de Chile
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