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Inicio Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría Drugs, Women and Violence in the Americas: U.S. Quantitative Results of a Multi-...
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Vol. 39. Núm. S.
Páginas 66S-83S (enero 2009)
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Vol. 39. Núm. S.
Páginas 66S-83S (enero 2009)
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Drugs, Women and Violence in the Americas: U.S. Quantitative Results of a Multi-Centric Pilot Project (Phase 2)
Drogas, mujeres y violencia en el continente americano: resultados de un proyecto piloto multicéntrico en Estados Unidos (Fase 2)
Rosa María González-Guarda1, Nilda Peragallo2, Ami Lynch3, Susanna Nemes3,
Autor para correspondencia

Correspondencia: Susanna Nemes, Social Solutions International, Suite 201, 8070 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910, Estados Unidos
1 Ph.D., M.PH., R.N., C.PH. School of Nursing and Health Studies, University of Miami. Coral Gables, FL, USA
2 Dr PH, RN, FAAN. School of Nursing and Health Studies, University of Miami. Coral Gables, FL, USA
3 Ph.D. Social Solutions International, Inc. Silver Spring, MD, USA
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To explore the collective and individual experiences that Latin American females in the U.S. have with substance abuse, violence and risky sexual behaviors.


This study was conducted in two phases from July 2006 to June 2007 in south Florida. This paper covers Phase 2. In Phase 2, questionnaires were provided to women to test whether there is a relationship between demographics, acculturation, depression, self-esteem and substance use/abuse; whether there is a relationship between demographics, acculturation, depression, self-esteem and violence exposure and victimization; whether there is a relationship between demographics, acculturation, depression, self-esteem, HIV knowledge and STD and HIV/AIDS risks among respondents; and whether there is a relationship between substance abuse, violence victimization and HIV/AIDS risks among respondents.


Participants reported high rates of alcohol and drug abuse among their current or most recent partners. This is a major concern because partner alcohol use and drug use was related to partner physical, sexual and psychological abuse. Only two factors were associated with lifetime drug use: income and acculturation. Over half of the participants reported being victims of at least one form of abuse during childhood and adulthood. A substantial component of abuse reported during adulthood was perpetrated by a currently or recent intimate partner.


The results from this study suggest that substance abuse, violence and HIV should be addressed in an integrative and comprehensive manner. Recommendations for the development of policies, programs and services addressing substance abuse, violence and risk for HIV among Latinos are provided.

Key words:
substance abuse
violence victimization

Explorar las experiencias colectivas e individuales que mujeres latinomaericanas tienen en los Estados Unidos en cuanto al abuso de sustancias, violencia y conductas sexuales de riesgo.


El estudio se realizó en dos fases entre julio de 2006 y junio de 2007, en el sur de Florida. En la Fase 2, se dieron cuestionarios a las mujeres para comprobar si existe una relación entre: características demográficas, grado de aculturación, depresión, autoestima, uso/abuso de sustancias, exposición a la violencia y conocimiento de los riesgos del VIH y el sida.


Los participantes reportaron altos índices de abuso de alcohol y drogas. Sólo dos factores se asociaron con el uso de drogas de por vida: ingresos económicos y aculturación. Más de la mitad de los participantes informaron haber sido víctimas de al menos una forma de abuso (físico, sexual y/o psicológico) durante la infancia y la adultez. Un componente importante de los abusos reportados durante la edad adulta es que fueron perpetrados por un compañero íntimo.


Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que el abuso de sustancias, la violencia y el VIH deben abordarse de manera integradora y global.

Palabras clave:
trastornos relacionados con sustancias
enfermedades de transmisión sexual
El Texto completo está disponible en PDF
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Copyright © 2010. Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría
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