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Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.5 RBD antibody titers generated by the protein subunit vaccine Abdala in breast milk
Títulos de anticuerpos anti-RBD de la variante Omicron BA.5 del SARS-CoV-2 generados por la vacuna de subunidad proteica Abdala en leche materna
Maylin Pérez-Bernala,
Autor para correspondencia

Corresponding author.
, Carlos Hernándeza, Rafael Ibargollínb, Midalis Martínezc, Migdiala Soriac, Magali Delgadoa, Dayamí Dortab, Enrique Péreza, José M. Sánchez-Ríosa
a Research & Development Department, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Circunvalante Norte, Olivos III, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba
b Production Department, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Circunvalante Norte, Olivos III, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba
c Neonatology Service, General Hospital “Camilo Cienfuegos”, 128 Bartolome Maso, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba
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Recibido 29 Agosto 2023. Aceptado 02 Mayo 2024
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Table 1. Characteristics of the study participants.
Table 2. Results of the evaluation of ELISA specificity for detecting SARS-CoV-2 anti-RBD antibodies in breast milk.
Table 3. Correlation between parity at the beginning of vaccination and IgA and IgG titers, against SARS-CoV-2 RBD Wuhan-Hu-1 (RBDWuh) and Omicron BA.5 (RBDOmic), in breast milk collected from puerperal women immunized during pregnancy with Abdala COVID-19 vaccine.
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COVID-19: impacto de la Vacuna - COVID-19: Vaccine impact

Editado por: Dra. Núria Torner CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica CIBERESP Unitat de Medicina Preventiva i Salut Pública Departament de Medicina, Universitat de Barcelona

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In this work, we investigate the presence of antibodies against OmicronBA.5 RBD in breast milk from puerperal women, vaccinated during pregnancy with the protein subunit vaccine Abdala, based on the Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD.

Materials and methods

Breast milk samples were collected between September 30 and November 25, 2021, from 2 groups of participants: 5- and 9-weeks after the third dose of the vaccine. Antibody titers against OmicronBA.5 RBD and Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD were evaluated simultaneously by a homemade ELISA. The relationship of antibody titers with the parity at the beginning of vaccination and with the participants health status was assessed.


Binding of OmicronBA.5 RBD, such as Wuhan-Hu-1, to IgA and IgG antibodies was detected in all breast milk samples, although the anti-RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1 titers were higher. The immune response to OmicronBA.5 could be related to the glycosylation of the Abdala RBD, expressed in Pichia pastoris, which contributes to the immunogenicity and to the exposure of epitopes that are conserved in pandemic variants, such as Omicron. Antibody titers against both RBDs were lower in participants with chronic diseases and in multiparous.


This is the first report of simultaneous detection of antibody titers, against the Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD and OmicronBA.5 RBD, in breast milk from puerperal women vaccinated with 3 doses a COVID-19 protein subunit vaccine. There is a tendency to decrease the antibody response after vaccination, due to chronic diseases and multiparity.

Abdala vaccine
Antibody titers
Health status
Omicron BA.5 RBD

En este trabajo investigamos la presencia de anticuerpos anti-RBD ÓmicronBA.5 en leche materna de puérperas, vacunadas durante el embarazo la vacuna de subunidad proteica Abdala, basada en la RBD Wuhan-Hu-1.

Materiales y métodos

Se recolectaron muestras de leche materna, entre el 30 de septiembre y el 25 de noviembre de 2021, de dos grupos de participantes: 5 y 9 semanas después de la tercera dosis de Abdala. Los títulos de anticuerpos contra los RBD OmicronBA.5 y Wuhan-Hu-1 se evaluaron simultáneamente mediante ELISA. Se analizó la relación de los títulos de anticuerpos con la paridad al inicio de la vacunación y con el estado de salud de las participantes.


En todas las muestras de leche materna se detectó la unión de RBD Ómicron BA.5 y Wuhan-Hu-1, a anticuerpos IgA e IgG, aunque fueron mayores los títulos anti-RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1. La respuesta inmune a ÓmicronBA.5 podría estar relacionada con la glicosilación del RBD de Abdala, expresada en Pichia pastoris, que contribuye a la inmunogenicidad y a la exposición de epítopos conservados en variantes pandémicas, como Ómicron. Los títulos de anticuerpos contra ambos RBD fueron menores en presencia de enfermedades crónicas y en las multíparas.


Este es el primer reporte de detección simultánea de anticuerpos anti-RBD Wuhan-Hu-1 y ÓmicronBA.5, en leche materna de puérperas vacunadas con tres dosis de una vacuna COVID-19 de subunidad proteica. Existe una tendencia a disminuir la respuesta de anticuerpos después de la vacunación, debido a enfermedades crónicas y a la multiparidad.

Palabras clave:
Vacuna Abdala
Títulos de anticuerpos
Omicron BA.5 RBD
Estado de salud
Texto completo

As of March 2024, the number of people infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has exceeded 774 million worldwide and more than 7 million cumulative deaths have been reported.1 Since November 26, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) of SARS-CoV-2, initially discovered in South Africa, as variant of concern (VOC).2 Following the original B.1.1.529 variant, several subvariants have emerged. The Omicron BA.1 dominated the initial wave but was replaced by BA.2 in many countries. Two new subvariants, BA.4 and BA.5, were revealed in the Gauteng region of South Africa and were driving a new wave of SARS-CoV-2.3 More recently, 2 other subvariants of BA.5, called BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, have been identified.4 Relative to the VOCs that preceded them, all the Omicron subvariants have a higher number of mutations in the spike protein,5 an essential structural protein of the virus, which contains the receptor-binding domain (RBD). The Omicron BA.5 subvariant has been reported as highly resistant to COVID-19 vaccines based on the original SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.6,7

Several studies have evaluated the immune response, generated by various COVID-19 vaccine platforms, against the Omicron subvariants in serum and breast milk. All of them described that the antibody levels and neutralizing activity against Omicron are lower compared to other SARS-CoV-2 VOCs.8–11 They have been carried out with individuals immunized with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, viral vector vaccines, or inactivated virus vaccines, but never after immunization with protein subunit vaccines.

Abdala is a protein subunit vaccine, developed and produced at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Havana, Cuba. This immunogen is based on the recombinant RBD, expressed in Pichia pastoris, with a sequence equal to the Wuhan-Hu-1 strain (NCBI Acc. No.YP_009724390). The correct folding of the antigenic protein was demonstrated, as a necessary requirement for the induction of an antibody response capable of neutralizing SARS-CoV-2, by inhibiting the interaction of RBD with its cellular receptor.12 This vaccine is presented as suspension, with 50 μg of the antigen adjuvated with aluminum hydroxide. It is administered intramuscularly in the deltoid region, in 3 doses of 0.5 mL, with an interval of 14 days between applications.13 Two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials demonstrated the safety and efficacy, greater than 92%, of Abdala in adult and pediatric populations.13,14

In this work, we aimed to investigate the presence of antibodies against recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.5 RBD, in respect to anti-RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1, in breast milk from puerperal women vaccinated during pregnancy with 3 doses of Abdala. The relationship between the levels of these antibodies with the parity at the beginning of vaccination and with the presence of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCD) in the participating puerperal women, was also analyzed.

Materials and methodsStudy participants

A single-center analytical observational study was conducted from September 30 and November 25, 2021, at the Neonatology Service of the General Hospital “Camilo Cienfuegos”, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board; authorization agreement No. 144/2021.

Breast milk samples were collected, from 104 puerperal women vaccinated with Abdala during pregnancy. Written informed consent was acquired from all of them prior to the collection of breast milk. Their characteristics were compiled by a questionnaire. The participants were distributed into 2 groups, 52 participants each one, according to the following inclusion criteria:

Group A: Vaccinated with 3 doses of Abdala during pregnancy, who were in the fifth week after the third dose, and reported not having been infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Group B: Vaccinated with 3 doses of Abdala during pregnancy, who were in the ninth week after the third dose, and reported not having been infected with SARS-CoV-2.

A mixture of breast milk samples from 6 unvaccinated women, who were never infected with COVID-19, was used as negative control.

Sample processing

The collection of breast milk samples was carried out by manual extraction directly to a sterile container, discarding the first 4–5 drops. Samples were centrifuged at 1300 rpm for 15 min at 4 °C. The aqueous phase was separated from the fat layer and was aliquoted and stored at −20 °C until analysis.

Indirect ELISA for anti-RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1 and anti-RBD-Omicron BA.5 antibody screening

The presence of antibodies against the RBD, based on Wuhan-Hu-1 strain sequence (RBDWuh) and based on the Omicron BA.5 subvariant (RBDOmic) was screened simultaneously in the same ELISA plate by a homemade protocol. This protocol was optimized previously, by a full factorial design of experiments, in 2 important steps of the assay: the coating of the plate with the RBD as antigen and the binding of the RBD to the antibodies present in breast milk samples.15

The optimized ELISA protocol, used for antibody screening, was as follows: Costar® 3590 high binding polystyrene 96-well microtiter plates were used. Half of each plate was coated with 100 μL/well of 10 μg/mL recombinant RBDWuh and the other half with 10 μg/mL recombinant RBDOmic. Both antigens were diluted in 0.05 M of sodium carbonate–bicarbonate, pH 9.8, and the plates were incubated 2 h at 37 °C. Coated plates were washed 3 times with 0.1% (v/v) of Tween-20 in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and blocked with 370 μL/well of dilution buffer (DB), consisted of 1% (w/v) bovine serum albumin in PBS. After 1 h at 37 °C, plates were washed once. Breast milk samples and the negative control, diluted 1:100 with DB, were added in duplicate to the plates and incubated for 1 h at 37 °C. DB was used as the assay blank. Afterward, the plates were washed 3 times. Bound IgG and IgA were detected with horseradish peroxidase conjugated anti-human IgG (Dako, Denmark) and anti-human IgA CBSSIgAH-HRP (CIGB, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba), respectively. Both were diluted 1:4000 with DB and incubated 1 h at 37 °C. After 4 washes, bound antibody was revealed using 0.6 mg/mL ortho-phenylenediamine in citrate buffer (pH 5.0) with 0.015% hydrogen peroxide, for 30 min in the dark at 22–25 °C. The reaction was stopped with 2.66 M sulfuric acid. The absorbance (A492nm) was measured by a plate reader (Labsystems Multiskan Plus) at 492 nm.

The presence of anti-RBDWuh and anti-RBDOmic IgA and IgG antibodies was confirmed in samples that generated A492nm values above the assay cut-point (CP), calculated by the equation:

Where: m (Abs.NC): Average A492nm values of the negative control. SD: Standard deviation.

The specificity of the ELISA was evaluated by including in the protocol an inhibition step, using a mixture of 10 breast milk samples, chosen randomly from those above the assay cut-point. Eight double serial dilutions of the mixture were prepared, ranging from 1:100 to 1:12 800. Each dilution was mixed with a 15 μg/mL solution of the plate-coating RBD (Wuhan-Hu-1 or Omicron BA.5). Reactions of 8 serial dilutions of the negative control with 15 μg/mL of RBD were used as non-inhibited control. All reactions were incubated in eppendorf® tubes 1 h at room temperature. After that, they were added in triplicate, 100 μL/well, in the corresponding half of the plate, according to the RBD used for the reactions. The next ELISA steps were carried out as described previously in the protocol.

The specificity of the assay was assessed by the percentage of inhibition:

Where: %I: Percentage of inhibition. Abs.RI: Average A492nm values of the inhibition reactions at each dilution point. Abs.Control SI: Average A492nm values of the non-inhibited control at each dilution point.

Titration of anti-RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1 and anti-RBD-Omicron BA.5 IgA and IgG antibodies

Antibody titers against RBDWuh and RBDOmic were evaluated also simultaneously in the same plate, by the ELISA used for antibody screening. Breast milk samples were serially diluted 8 times, from 1:100 to 1:12 800 with 2 as dilution factor. Each titration curve was placed in duplicate into the plate. The negative control was diluted 1:100. Sample titration curves and control were added to the plates and incubated for 1 h at 37 °C. Afterward, the successive ELISA steps were performed as described in the protocol.

Anti-RBDWuh and anti-RBDOmic IgA and IgG titers of each sample were the last dilution that gave positive results in the ELISA. The titers were calculated by interpolating the duplicate value of the mean A492nm of the negative control in the sample titration curves.16

The relationship between the anti-RBD antibody titers and the presence of NCD in the study participants, was analyzed by the distribution of the groups A and B into 2 subgroups, according to the health status of the participants: with and without NCD.

To correlate the anti-RBD antibody titers and the parity of the participants at the beginning of vaccination, groups A and B were organized into 3 subgroups: nulliparous (parity=0), primiparous (parity=1), and multiparous (parity ≥2).

Statistical analysis

The SPSS, version 15.1 for Windows, was used for statistical analysis. Data were normalized by logarithmic transformation. The paired t-test was used to compare IgA and IgG titers against RBDWuh and RBDOmic, in groups A and B. Pearson's test was used to correlate the parity at the beginning of vaccination with anti-RBD IgA and IgG titers. The correlation strength was determined using the following guide:17 0.00≤│r│≤0.30, week; 0.30≤│r│≤0.70, moderate; 0.70≤│r│≤1.00, strong. Statistical significance was set at p.05 for all tests applied.


This study involved 104 puerperal women aged between 15 and 41 years. Fewer of the participants included in groups A and B had at least one NCD. The most common NCD were arterial hypertension and asthma. Nulliparity predominated in the members of both groups (Table 1).

Table 1.

Characteristics of the study participants.

Characteristics  Group A (N=52)  Group B (N=52) 
Maternal age, median (IQR), years  25 (22–30)  26.5 (20.5–32.5) 
Maternal health status
Without NCD, %  82.69  80.77 
With NCD, %  17.31  19.23 
NCD detected, n 
Arterial hypertension 
Diabetes mellitus type 1 
Heart disease 
Gestational age, mean±SD, weeks  38.64±1.29  38.67±1.39 
Parity at the beginning of vaccination
Nulliparous, %  44.23  42.31 
Primiparous, %  36.54  36.54 
Multiparous, %  19.23  21.15 

Group A: Puerperal women vaccinated with 3 doses of Abdala during pregnancy, who were in the fifth week after the third dose, and reported not having been infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Group B: Puerperal women vaccinated with 3 doses of Abdala during pregnancy, who were in the ninth week after the third dose, and reported not having been infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Abbreviations: IQR, interquartile range; NCD, non-communicable chronic disease; SD, standard deviation.

IgA and IgG antibodies against RBDs of Wuhan-Hu-1 and Omicron BA.5 of SARS-CoV-2 were detected in all breast milk samples. The homemade ELISA was considered valid to reveal specific signals of the antibodies that recognize both RBDs, since the inhibition percentages in the specificity assay were greater than 99.8% in the upper half of the sample mixture dilution range, and remained above 92% in the other half of the range (Table 2).

Table 2.

Results of the evaluation of ELISA specificity for detecting SARS-CoV-2 anti-RBD antibodies in breast milk.

Dilution factorAbs.RI  Abs.Control  %IAbs.RI  Abs.Control  %I
RBDWuh  RBDWuh  RBDOmic  RBDOmic 
100  0.000  0.167  100  0.000  0.137  100 
200  0.000  0.164  100  0.000  0.132  100 
400  0.000  0.147  100  0.000  0.154  100 
800  0.000  0.165  99.82  0.000  0.151  99.15 
1600  0.004  0.162  97.36  0.004  0.160  97.31 
3200  0.006  0.141  95.53  0.006  0.133  95.26 
6400  0.008  0.137  94.45  0.010  0.152  93.25 
12 800  0.011  0.139  92.14  0.011  0.154  92.89 

Abs.RI: Average absorbance (492 nm) of inhibition reaction: mixture of breast milk samples+RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1 (RBDWuh) or +RBD-OmicronBA.5 (RBDOmic).

Abs.Control: Average absorbance (492 nm) of non-inhibited control: negative control samples+RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1 (RBDWuh) or +RBD-OmicronBA.5 (RBDOmic).

The antibody titers against RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1 were always significantly higher than those against Omicron BA.5, regardless of the post-vaccination time (Fig. 1). The table adjacent to Fig. 1 shows that the confidence intervals (95%) of the difference of the titer mean logarithms did not include zero, and it confirmed the significant differences between titers against both RBD sequences.

Fig. 1.

Antibody titers against RBD based on Wuhan-Hu-1 strain sequence (RBDWuh) and against RBD from Omicron BA.5 subvariant (RBDOmic) in breast milk from puerperal women, vaccinated during pregnancy with the Abdala COVID-19 vaccine. Breast milk samples were collected between September and November 2021, 5 and 9 weeks after the third dose of the vaccine. The paired t-test was used to assess the statistical significance, *p<.05, **p<.01, and ***p<.001. The adjacent table shows the confidence intervals, CI (95%), for the differences of the logarithm of the titer means of related pairs.


In all samples, IgA titers decreased from the fifth to the ninth week post-vaccination. Five weeks after vaccination, IgA anti-RBDOmic titers were lower by 9.86% compared to RBDWuh. After 9 weeks, IgA anti-RBDOmic titers were lower by 7.91% in respect to RBDWuh.

All samples presented IgG anti-RBDWuh and anti-RBDOmic. Unlike the observed reduction in IgA titers from the fifth to the ninth week after vaccination, IgG titers increased, on average, more than 6-fold in samples collected 9 weeks post-vaccination. Antibody titers against RBDWuh were also significantly higher than against RBDOmic (Fig. 1). In the fifth week, the IgG titers against RBDWuh were 3.64% higher than against RBDOmic; in the ninth week, an increase of 24% was detected in the IgG anti-RBDWuh titers compared to anti-RBDOmic.

When the samples were organized into two independent subgroups, according to the health status of the participants, the antibody responses between the subgroups were significantly different (Fig. 2). IgA and IgG titers against both RBDs were lower in the subgroup of participants with NCD. The significant differences in the antibody response to both RBDs were confirmed by not including zero in the confidence intervals informed in the table adjacent to Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Antibody titers, against RBD based on Wuhan-Hu-1 strain sequence (RBDWuh) and against RBD from Omicron BA.5 subvariant (RBDOmic), in 2 subgroups of independent breast milk samples: samples collected from healthy puerperal women and samples obtained from puerperal women with at least one chronic disease (unhealthy). Both subgroups were conceived within groups of samples obtained at 5- and 9-weeks post-vaccination with 3 doses of Abdala vaccine. Data are presented as the mean of the logarithm of antibody titers and the standard deviation. The t-test for independent samples was used to assess the statistical significance, ** p<.01 and *** p<.001. The adjacent table shows the confidence intervals, CI (95%), for the difference of the logarithm of the titer means of related pairs.


According to the Pearson's test, there was a moderate negative correlation between the parity of the study participants at the beginning of vaccination and the IgA and IgG antibody responses against RBDWuh and RBDOmic. The correlations were significant in breast milk samples collected at 5- and 9-weeks post-vaccination (Table 3).

Table 3.

Correlation between parity at the beginning of vaccination and IgA and IgG titers, against SARS-CoV-2 RBD Wuhan-Hu-1 (RBDWuh) and Omicron BA.5 (RBDOmic), in breast milk collected from puerperal women immunized during pregnancy with Abdala COVID-19 vaccine.

Antibody titersBreast milk collected 5 weeks after 3 doses of AbdalaBreast milk collected 9 weeks after 3 doses of Abdala
Pearson (rp-value <  Pearson (rp-value < 
IgA anti-RBDWuh  0.501  .000  0.491  .000 
IgA anti-RBDOmic  0.486  .002  0.515  .000 
IgG anti-RBDWuh  0.517  .000  0.502  .000 
IgG anti-RBDOmic  0.523  .000  -0.448  .002 

The COVID-19 protein subunit vaccine Abdala generates anti-RBD antibody responses, of the IgA and IgG isotypes, in breast milk; not only against the RBD with which it was designed, the Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD, but against the Omicron BA.5, one of the last declared SARS-CoV-2 VOCs.

The detection of anti-RBD antibodies in all samples from groups A and B does not mean that the ELISA revealed non-specific A492nm signals, due to interference from any component of the assay. The specificity of the ELISA was demonstrated in a wide range of dilutions of the sample mixture with anti-RBD antibodies, in the presence of an antigen excess in solution (15 μg/mL of RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1 or RBD-Omicron BA.5). The inhibition percentages were 100% at almost half of the dilution points, including the highest, 1:100, which was the dilution applied to the samples in the screening of anti-RBD antibodies. The antigen–antibody reaction in solution allowed the recognition of epitopes that are not exposed when the antigen is coating the solid phase of the plate. A 100% inhibition rate means that all specific anti-RBD antibodies in the sample mixture reacted with the epitope conformations of the antigen, during the incubation in solution, and that no free antibodies remained to bind to the RBD coating the plate; consequently, the A492nm signals, adjusted with blank signal, were zero. Therefore, no other component of the ELISA gave rise to signals unrelated to the detection of specific antibodies.

In the breast milk samples evaluated in the present study, the anti-RBDWuh IgA and IgG antibody responses generated by Abdala, and their potential neutralization activity, had already been described.18 But these samples are also valuable to demonstrate that the vaccine could generate a specific antibody response against the Omicron BA.5 subvariant, since they were obtained between September 30 and November 25, 2021, and Omicron variant was declared VOC on November 26 of that year.2 Accordingly, the Omicron BA.5 subvariant was not yet circulating in Cuba at the time of sampling for the study.

Omicron BA.5 RBD contains mutations that make it very different from the Wuhan-Hu-1 RBD that Abdala contains.6,7 However, this vaccine is capable of generating antibodies in breast milk that recognize Omicron BA.5. One of the reasons for this antibody response could be related to the glycosylation in the RBD of Abdala, which is expressed in the methylotrophic yeast P. pastoris. N-glycans from P. pastoris are often hypermannosylated,19 and mannosylation enhances the activation of antigen-presenting cells, such as dendritic cells and macrophages, and increases immunogenicity relative to their non-glycosylated counterparts.20 Moreover, the 2 N-glycosylation sites in RBD of Abdala are at 331 and 343. Liu and Wilson21 have described that most residues in N343 are more conserved compared to others, and this site is exposed regardless of whether the RBD is up, down, or in intermediate configurations. Glycosylation modulates the conformation or exposure of peptide epitopes, as a result of intramolecular carbohydrate-protein interactions.22 Therefore, the impact of glycosylation of Abdala RBD could be, in addition to the immunogenicity increasing, on the exposure of epitopes that are conserved in pandemic variants, such as Omicron BA.5, and that enables the response of specific antibodies against them.

Anti-RBDOmic IgA and IgG antibody titers were significantly lower than anti-RBDWuh. Our results are consistent with all published studies that have evaluated the antibody response generated by COVID-19 vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant. But none of them involved vaccinees with protein subunit vaccines.

Bartsch et al. showed reduced Omicron isotype-specific immunity after mRNA vaccination of pregnant women. Stable anti-spike IgG binding antibodies against WT, Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron were found after vaccination with Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2, whereas the IgA response to the Omicron variant was significantly reduced. Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccination generated the most consistent IgG responses and highest IgA responses among pregnant women across all VOCs, but responses to the Omicron variant were again the lowest.10

The BNT162b2 vaccine administered in 3 doses, like Abdala, considerably increased the neutralization efficacy of the Omicron variant.11 Other authors confirmed the importance of administering the third dose of the vaccine to improve efficacy against Omicron.8,9 However, it would be recommended an additional booster dose in pregnant women, to ensure higher anti-RBDOmic antibody titers in breast milk that support the passive immunity against this SARS-CoV-2 variant in newborns and infants.

Another finding of this study was the significant inverse relationship between the antibody titers against both RBDs and the presence of NCD in the study participants. Arterial hypertension was the most frequent chronic disease found in the participants. Some researchers have described the decrease of antibody titers in patients with hypertension in response to COVID-19 mRNA vaccine23 and to inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine,24 agreeing with the results of the present work. The reason for this behavior could be in the fact that hypertension has been related with systemic inflammation. Chronic systemic inflammation can alter tissue, organ, and cellular functions, and it lead to impaired immune function, thereby affecting the response to vaccines.25

A recent study published the immune responses to the BNT162b2 vaccine among indigenous and non-indigenous people, according to comorbidity and ethnicity. Among all participants with chronic medical conditions, lower anti-RBD serum titers were associated with the chronic diseases,26 which are also in line with our results. But other authors found no significant differences in anti-RBD antibody titers associated with comorbidities, such as hypertension or obesity, after mRNA vaccine administration.27–29 Thus, future studies are required to substantiate one or the other trend.

A moderate negative correlation was established between the IgA and IgG antibody titers and the parity at the beginning of vaccination. A moderate correlation means that there is a relationship between the parity and the antibody titers, but that there is also a lot of randomness affecting one or both variables. Or, perhaps another variable could affect both variables in question. Therefore, the direct relationship is not strong but it is certainly significant.

Parity has been associated with a significant modification of breast milk composition.30 Kaplan et al. affirmed that IgA levels in breast milk may fluctuate depending on the particular characteristics of the mother, and parity can directly influence. These authors found that the IgA concentration in colostrum of primiparous mothers (35.95 g/L) was significantly higher compared to multiparous ones (27.33 g/L).31 The inverse correlation between parity and IgA levels coincides with our results and with those informed by Weaver et al.,32 Akhter et al.,33 and Trofin et al.34 Nevertheless, full understanding the mechanisms involved in the parity-associated immune response awaits further studies.

The declining trends observed in the antibody response after vaccination with 3 doses of Abdala, due to the presence of NCD or multiparity, implies an alert that once again calls for systematic control of the health status of vulnerable pregnant women, and the strict compliance with the medical treatment, for ensuring the stability of their biochemical and physiological parameters, in order to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection.


We should report some limitations in the present work. First, the SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing activity of anti-RBD Omicron BA.5 antibodies detected in breast milk samples was not demonstrated, and this is the most relevant indicator of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 protection that the infants receive through the passive immunity conferred by breast milk. Therefore, this should be a target for further studies. Other limitation was the insufficient sample sizes in the subgroups used to evaluate the relationship of antibody titers with the parity and with the presence of NCD in the participants. Hence, it will be necessary to continue this research with more participants, to confirm the observed trends.


This is the first report of simultaneous detection, by a homemade ELISA, of antibody titers against the RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1 and the RBD-Omicron BA.5 in breast milk, collected from puerperal women vaccinated with 3 doses of a COVID-19 protein subunit vaccine, based on the sequence of the RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1. IgA and IgG antibodies are detected that bind to RBD-Omicron BA.5, despite various mutations that make it very different from RBD-Wuhan-Hu-1. The glycosylation of the Abdala RBD, expressed in P. pastoris, support the immune response against VOCs like Omicron. Health status and parity are factors involved in the response to Abdala in breast milk. Having at least one chronic disease and being multiparous could reduce the anti-RBD antibodies titers generated by the vaccine, which translates into caring for pregnant women who may be vulnerable to COVID-19 for one or both of these causes.


This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Author contributions

M.P.B.: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Visualization, Writing − review & editing. C.H.: Formal analysis, Methodology, Validation, Writing − review & editing. R.I.: Resources, Software. M.M. and M.S.: Resources. M.D. and D.D.: Investigation. E.P. and J.M.S.R.: Project administration, Supervision. All authors have approved the final article.

Ethics statement

Ethical approval was granted by the Institutional Review Board from the General Hospital “Camilo Cienfuegos”, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, on August 23, 2021.


The authors greatly thank the breast milk donors, for their valuable contributions that have made this work possible.

WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard.
Classification of Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Concern.
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