Reconocer las prácticas de cuidado en familias del Grupo Psicoeducativo del Departamento de Psiquiatría de la Universidad de Antioquia que tienen un miembro con diagnóstico de trastorno afectivo bipolar (TAB).
MétodoLa investigación es comprensiva, el método es fenomenológico-hermenéutico. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con doce familias y posteriormente se analizó la información con el software cualitativo Atlas ti.
ResultadosSurgieron dos grandes categorías: 1) cuidado y curso de vida familiar y 2) cuidado-autocuidado en torno al trastorno afectivo bipolar. La primera se evidencia por medio de prácticas como: cuidar estando presente, cuidar apoyando, cuidar hablando y alentando al otro y cuidar circulando el cuidado. En la segunda categoría, se pudieron identificar dos ejes: el del cuidador y el de la persona cuidada. Respecto del primero, se hallaron dos tendencias: cuidar transforma al cuidador y cuidar es “verraco”. En el segundo se encontraron igual número de tendencias: el autocuidado como poética y autocuidarse para transitar de la escafandra a la mariposa.
ConclusionesCuidar es una forma de cultivar la humanidad. Indagar por las formas de cuidado propio y del otro, tanto del cuidador como de quien es cuidado, puede hacer más estética la trayectoria de cuidar del equipo de salud y de la díada enfermo-cuidador.
To analyze the families from the Psychoeducational Group of the Psychiatry Department of the University of Antioquia that have one member with bipolar disorder (BD) in order to identify their care-related practices.
MethodA comprehensive research project using the phenomenological and hermeneutic method. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with twelve families. The data obtained were analyzed using the Atlas ti qualitative software.
ResultsTwo main categories emerged: 1. Care and family life course and 2. Care and self-care in relation to bipolar disorder. The first category manifests itself through practices such as: Taking care of the diseased person by being physically present, providing physical or emotional support, or by transferring care-related actions to other family members. Two main perspectives could be identified in the second category, namely: the caretaker's perspective and that of the person being taken care of. Two tendencies were found regarding the first one: taking care of others brings about transformations in the caretakers and taking care of others is tough. The second perspective has the same number of tendencies: self-care as poetics and taking care of oneself in order to go from the Diving Bell to the Butterfly.
ConclusionsTaking care of others is a way of building humanity. Conducting research on care and self-care practices (i.e. the practices of both the caretaker and the person being taken care of) results in a more aesthetic way of providing care and a more aesthetic patient-caretaker dyad.
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