Desarrollar un test de screening olfatorio, basado en el test de Connecticut, con un coste reducido y con una fiabilidad suficiente.
Material y métodosEl test de screening está compuesto por la dilución 3 de butanol y por el café, chocolate y naftalina. Nuestro test se compara con el Pocket Smell Test (PST) basado en el test de UPSIT. Indice de validez del 95% y grado de precisión de la prueba 10%.
ResultadosLa sensibilidad es del 88% y la especificidad del 77%. El valor predictivo positivo es del 34% y el valor predictivo negativo del 94%. El tiempo medio de realización es de 2,8±0,4 minutos. El coste unitario del test es de 0,57 si lo realiza un auxiliar de consulta. El 96% de los pacientes refieren que el test es muy fácil de realizar.
ConclusiónEl test de screening basado en el CCCRC es una prueba válida y útil para el screening olfatorio.
To create a screening olfactory test based on the CCCRC (Connecticut Chemosen-sory Clinical Research Center).
Material and methodsWe compare the screening test based on CCCRC with PST (Pocket Smell Test) based on UPSIT in 40 patients with nasal poliposis, in order to de-termine the specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive and negative predictive value. The validity index was 95% and accuracy rate was 10%. We determine unit cost, the time required to perform the test in outpatients office and how difficult it is to do the test.
ResultsSensibility was 88%, specificity was 77%. The positive predictive value was 34% and the negative predictive value was 94%. The unitary cost of our screening test was 0.57 euros when it is performed by a nurse. The unitary cost of PST is 1.76 euros. To perform our screening test took 2.8±0.4 minutes. The 96% of the patients thought the test was easy to do.
ConclusionOur test is a valid screening test to be used in patients with nasal poliposis.