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Vol. 58. Issue 5.
Pages 182-186 (January 2007)
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Vol. 58. Issue 5.
Pages 182-186 (January 2007)
Nasal Leprosy: Impact of Multitherapy in the Morphology and Physiology of the Nose
Lepra nasal: impacto de la multiterapia en la morfología y la fisiología nasal
María Teresa Torres-Larrosaa,
Corresponding author

Correspondence: San Juan Bautista, 16, 1.° A. 38002 Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Tenerife. Islas Canarias. España.
, Luis Jorge Pérez-Péreza, María Vicenta Quintana Ginestarb, Vicente Torres-Perisc, Juan José Artazkoz del Toroa
a Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de Candelaria, Tenerife, Spain
b Sanatorio San Francisco de Borja, Fontilles, Alicante, Spain
c Servicio de Dermatología, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
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The multi-drug therapy protocol has allowed leprosy patients following this strategy to achieve complete recovery without developing neurotrophic sequelae or deformities.

Objectives To assess the impact of multi-drug therapy on the development of nasal deformities and nasal airway patency.

Patients and method

In an overall group of 84 patients studied, 38 were treated with a therapy based on a single drug and 22 were treated with multi-drug while 24 subjects formed a control group. Nose morphology was determined by anterior rhinoscopy. Nasal patency and flow resistances were measured by anterior rhinomanometry. The results were compared by using the Anova test for a single variable.


The nasal structures in the group with therapy based on a single drug underwent resorption of bone and cartilage in the structures of the nose and increased flow resistance. In the group receiving the multi-drug protocol, there were no significant morphological alterations and nasal patency and flow resistance remained within normal levels.


The multi-drug therapy is effective in preventing the development of nasal deformities and maintains normal nasal airflow.

Key words:
Nose deformities
Multiple leprostatic agents

El protocolo de terapia combinada ha permitido que los enfermos de lepra tratados según esta estrategia alcancen una curación sin secuelas neurotróficas ni deformidades.


Determinar el impacto de la multiterapia en el desarrollo de las alteraciones del esqueleto óseo cartilaginoso y en la función respiratoria nasal.

Pacientes y método

Estudiamos a 84 sujetos: 38 pacientes tratados con monoterapia, 22 pacientes tratados con multiterapia y 24 sujetos control. Exploramos la morfología nasal mediante rinoscopia anterior y la función respiratoria nasal mediante rinomanometría anterior activa. En el análisis estadístico se ha utilizado el test ANOVA de un factor.


En el grupo de monoterapia observamos una reabsorción osteocartilaginosa de las estructuras nasales y un aumento de las resistencias nasales. Los pacientes que recibieron multiterapia no presentaron cambios morfológicos significativos y la función respiratoria nasal se mantuvo dentro de la normalidad.


La terapia combinada es eficaz porque previene la aparición de deformidades nasales y la insuficiencia respiratoria nasal.

Palabras clave:
Deformidades nasales


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