El melanoma maligno primario de uretra femenina es un raro tumor de gran agresividad y pobre pronóstico, que gracias a un diagnóstico temprano puede beneficiarse de la cirugía radical e inmunoterapia adyuvante con efectos curativos.
Presentamos a una mujer de 65 años con un melanoma maligno primario en la uretra y con un implante secundario en la vulva, sometida a uretrectomía y vulvectomía radical, linfadenectomía inguinal bilateral, así como inmunoterapia con alfa-interferón, con una supervivencia libre de enfermedad de 1 año.
Primary malignant melanoma of the female urethra is a rare tumour with great agressivity and poor prognosis. An early diagnosis may benefit of radical surgery and adyuvant immunotherapy with curative effect.
We present a sixty five years old female with a malignant melanoma of urethra and a secondary additional melanoma in vulva, that was treated with both radical urethrectomy and vulvectomy. A bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy and immunotherapy with alpha-interferon were added. The patient is free of disease one year postoperatively.