Evaluar resultados y complicaciones del TVT en una gran serie multicéntrica española
MétodoEstudio retrospectivo de 272 pacientes consecutivas con colocación de TVT en 6 centros españoles (mediana seguimiento 636 días). Se incluyó cualquier tipo de incontinencia de esfuerzo con indicación quirúrgica. No se utilizó protocolo de uniformidad para la intervención ni cuidados postoperatorios. Recogida de datos, estandarizada a 3, 6 meses y anualmente tras intervención. Se realizó estudio multivariado para identificar factores influyentes en la recuperación de la continencia y aparición de complicaciones. Se valoró la satisfacción de la paciente respecto a la intervención
ResultadosEl 92,1% de las pacientes obtuvieron la continencia frente al 2,4% que no mostraron ninguna mejoría. A los cuatro años sólo el 2,8% de las pacientes mostraron incontinencia mínima y el 0,4% incontinencia moderada en el tiempo. Solo se encontró como factor influyente (desfavorable) para continencia postoperatoria el antecedente de cirugía previa anti-incontinencia. 91,6% declararon estar satisfechas mientras que sólo el 2,7% estaban insatisfechas
ConclusiónCreemos haber reproducido un escenario cercano a la realidad clínica diaria. El estudio multicéntrico verifica la viabilidad y reproducibilidad de los resultados del TVT con mínimas complicaciones en pacientes no seleccionadas y en centros donde no todos los urólogos están especializados en incontinencia urinaria
The purpose of this study was to evaluate results and complications of TVT in a large series from different hospital centers in Spain
MethodWe retrospectively studied the results of TVT placement from 6 centers with 272 consecutive patients (median follow-up was 636 days). All types of stress urinary incontinence with a surgical indication were included and no previous conditions were established regarding the indication. No protocol was used for either the intervention or postoperative support measures. Data collection was protocolized and carried out using a common questionnaire that was completed by an urologist at each center from 3 to 6 months after the intervention and then annually. All patients who underwent intervention were asked about their satisfaction with the outcome. Multivariate studies were made to identify the factors that influenced the recovery of continence and the occurrence of complications
Results92.1% of patients were continent and 2.4% have not shown any improvement. 91.6% of the patients claimed to be satisfied whereas only 2.7% were dissatisfied. After four years only 2.8% of patients showed mild incontinence with time and 0.4% had moderate incontinence. Only previous surgery for incontinence was found to be significantly unfavorable factor for achieving postoperative continence
ConclusionWe have reproduced a scenario closer to daily clinical reality than the results of series from a single institution or analyses using stricter selection criteria. This multicenter study verifies the viability and reproducibility of TVT with minimal complications in centers where patients are not selected and where not all urologists are specialized in urinary incontinence