This section consists of brief editorial commentaries written by the editors or by individuals they have invited as editorial authors. Commentaries deal with one or several of the articles published in AoH. Alternatively, they can discuss topics of special importance to our readership. No more than three authors and a minimum of 15 references are allowed per editorial. One table and/or figure can be added to the text and must be included in the word count. The length of editorials should not exceed 1,500 words (excluding the title, byline, and references).
These essays present opinions, hypotheses and controversial issues in all areas of hepatology. The length of an opinion should not exceed 1,000 words. No tables or figures are allowed (exceptions are solely at the discretion of the editors). A minimum of 15 references are allowed.
Concise reviews
Review articles on selected clinical and basic topics should be no longer than 5,000 words. References should not exceed a maximum of 150.
Original articles
The maximum length of manuscripts that describe original research is 4,000 words (excluding references). Original articles should include no more than 50 references. Manuscripts that are redundant or contain extraneous material will be returned for shortening, even if otherwise acceptable.
Brief reports
These submissions are reviewed as rigorously as original research items. Although they include the same sections, use the same format and follow the same guidelines, their length must not exceed 1,500 words. This type of reports is particularly useful for scientists who wish to publish time-sensitive results.
Clinical letters
Clinical Letters will not be preceded by an abstract. The word count is strictly limited to 1,500 words excluding title page information, references, and any figure or table legends. Clinical Letters can only include a maximum of 4 references and 2 figures or tables (combined), authors may include additional reading as supplementary material. Correspondence
We welcome letters to the editor that comment on articles recently published in AoH. Letters should contain no more than 500 words and a minimum of 15 references are allowed.
Milestones in Hepatology This section refers to invited or proposed articles concerning the biography and contributions of outstanding clinicians, researchers or mentors in the field of hepatology with an emphasis on their impact in clinical care, teaching and research. Chronological timelines regarding topics or trends in hepatology will also be considered. Maximum specifications: 1,500-2,000 words (excluding title, byline, and references); no more than one table and/or figure. A minimum of 15 references are allowed.
Education and Training in Hepatology Relates to education and practice articles that provide novel training strategies, management flow charts or qualitative research in medical education and training with a meaningful impact on the prevention, management or treatment of liver disease. Maximum specifications: 3,000 words (excluding title, byline, and references), and up to two illustrations (table and/or figure). A minimum of 15 references are allowed.
This section contains information on the year-round academic and scientific activities developed by our affiliated associations. This section will be open for announcements of new presidencies, clinical practice guidelines or consensus statements. One page and with no more than 1 table and/or figure; 5 or fewer bibliographic references.
Clinical Practice Guidelines and Position Papers
AoH welcomes all official articles from the represented Scientific Societies referring to recommendations, practice guidelines, position papers or reports of Consensus Conferences on relevant topics in Hepatology. The main text should not exceed 6,000 words (excluding abstract, references, tables and figures). All manuscripts should contain a non-structured abstract of no more than 200 words. Authorship of the article should be attributed only to the reference society(ies), whose name(s) should be placed below the title. Only contributors who meet specific authorship criteria are to be listed on the title page as Authors, with their affiliations. Any other participating contributors are to be listed in an Appendix at the end of the article. The methodology used to generate the recommendations should be reported, as well as the levels of evidence and strength of the recommendation, if applicable. Besides the aforementioned, manuscripts proposed by the corresponding societies within the Latin American region should include a comparative synopsis of the management of liver diseases indicated in the national/regional guideline with other international guidelines, such as AASLD, EASL or APASL. Limitations of the current knowledge, if applicable, and perspectives for future research needs are highly recommended.
Other Publications Congress proceedings, generally in the form of selected abstracts, may be considered for publication. Supplements to the journal containing extended abstracts, or full papers may also be taken into consideration.