Ansiedad y Estrés dejó de publicarse en Elsevier el año 2021
Ansiedad y Estrés (Anxiety & Stress) is a biannual psychology, medicine, neuroscience and social science magazine dedicated to the study of anxiety, stress and other emotions. It is a body that provides a voice for the Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y Estrés (SEAS) - Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress. It is a multidisciplinary magazine that publishes theoretical and experimental work focusing on anxiety, stress and other emotions from the diverse subject areas of psychology, medicine and related sciencesIndexed in:
Emerging Sources Citation Index; Scopus; SJR Scimago; IN-RECS (Índice de impacto de las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales); Índice Español de Ciencias Sociales del CINDOC (Serie A: Psicología y Educación); Psicodoc (CD-ROM de Psicología en Español); Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (IBECS); American Psychological Association (Psychological Abstracts, PsycINFO, PsycLIT, ClinPSYC); EBSCO Publishing (Academic Search Complete); ScienceDirect; PILOTS database.
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SRJ is a prestige metric based on the idea that not all citations are the same. SJR uses a similar algorithm as the Google page rank; it provides a quantitative and qualitative measure of the journal's impact.
See moreSNIP measures contextual citation impact by wighting citations based on the total number of citations in a subject field.
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