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Outbreak of Schistosomiasis mansoni in a Spanish dance and percussion ensemble acquired in the Republic of Guinea
Brote de esquistosomiasis aguda en un grupo de danza y percusión en la República de Guinea
Marta Arsuaga Vicentea,
, Guillermo Ruiz-Carrascosob, Fernando De la Calle-Prietoa, Javier Sotillo Gallegoc, Rosa De Miguel-Buckleya, Mar Lago Nuñeza, Daniel Mesado Martinezd, Marta Díaz Menéndeza
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a National Referral Unit for Imported Tropical Diseases and Health Travel, Hospital La Paz-Carlos III, CIBERINFEC, Madrid, Spain
b Clinical Microbiology Service, Hospital La Paz-Carlos III, CIBERINFEC, Madrid, Spain
c Parasitology Reference and Research Laboratory, Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
d Internal Medicine Service, Hospital General Universitario de Villalba, Spain