Estudios Gerenciales is the Ibero-American journal of management and economics focused primarily on the thematic areas of organizational management, entrepreneurship, innovation, marketing, accountancy, finance, public administration, quantitative methods, economic development, industrial organization, international trade, economic policy and regional economy. Its main objective is the dissemination of research related to the above topic areas that generate tools for the study of Ibero-American community and its current economic and administrative context.
Estudios Gerenciales, through the publication of relevant highquality previously unpublished articles subject to a double-blind peer review process, is generally aimed at researchers, students, academics, professionals interested in the most recent research and analyses in economics and management in Ibero-America.
Articles can be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese and, as editorial policy, the journal seeks a balance of articles by authors from different Ibero-American countries or other regions; therefore, an issue of the journal may include a maximum of 20% of articles authored by researchers-professors associated with Icesi University. However, in all cases, the articles will be subjected to the same evaluation process.
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PUBLINDEX-Colciencias (Categoría A2), SciELO-Colombia, AEA's electronic indexes (JEL, e-JEL, CD-JEL, EconLit), Redalyc, CLASE, Thomson Gale-Informe Acamédico, Catálogo de Latindex, EBSCO, RePEc, DoTEc, EconPapers, BDGS, DOAJ, Ulrich's, ScienceDirect, Dialnet, SciELO CItation Index
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