Corresponding author at: National School of Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.
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A wake up call about suicide in old people
Isabel Noguera,
, Victor Pérezb, Jerónimo Sáizc, Alicia Padróna, Miguel Angel Gonzálezd, Juan Pablo Carrascoe, Julio Guijaf, Enrique Baca-Garciag, Diego Palaoh
Corresponding author
Corresponding author at: National School of Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.
Corresponding author at: National School of Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.
a National School of Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
b President of the Foundation on Psychiatry and Mental Health, Head of the Department of Psychiatry Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
c Universidad Alcalá de Henares, IRyCIS, Cibersam, Madrid, Spain
d Head of the Department of Psychiatry, Hospital de Basurto, Bilbao, Spain
e Department of Psychiatry, Consorcio Hospitalario Provincial de Castellón, Spain
f Head of Forensic Psychiatry, Instituto de Medicina Legal, Sevilla, Spain
g Head of the Department of Psychiatry (Hospital “Fundación Jiménez Díaz”) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
h Director of Mental Health, University Hospital Parc Taulí, Institut d'Investigació i Innovació Parc Taulí (I3PT), Unitat de Neurociències Traslacional I3PT-INc, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Cibersam, Spain