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Call for papers: 10th anniversary special issue of the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge

The Journal of Innovation & Knowledge will commemorate its 10th anniversary with a special issue that underscores the journal’s growth and key contributions to innovation and knowledge in academia.

Guest editors:

Domingo Ribeiro-Soriano (Managing Guest Editor) Professor, University of Valencia

Special issue information:

The Journal of Innovation & Knowledge will commemorate its 10th anniversary with a special issue that underscores the journal’s growth and key contributions to innovation and knowledge in academia. Since 2015, starting with its launch issue, the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge has encouraged emerging scholars to publish their research on business, management, innovation, and knowledge from a multidisciplinary perspective. Over the years, the journal has successfully progressed and increased its impact, publishing significant contributions such as the study authored by Nobel laureate Dr. Werner Arber in Volume 2 Issue 2 in 2017 (Arber, 2017).

The Journal of Innovation & Knowledge began publishing three issues per year. Given the interest of innovation and knowledge scholars, the journal increased its publication output to four issues per year in 2019, with prospects of publishing up to six issues per year. The Journal of Innovation & Knowledge has become a global benchmark for the development of the science of innovation and management in the fields of Business, Management, Technology, and Innovation. Since 2019, the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge has enjoyed remarkable growth in its impact factor (IF) within the Web of Science (WoS). In 2019, the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge received its inaugural WoS IF of 6.027. Since then, its IF has grown to 9.269 in 2020 and 11.219 in 2021, peaking at 18.100 in 2022. These annual IFs led to a 5-year IF of 13.3 in 2022.

The Journal of Innovation & Knowledge obtained 93 citing sources for its WoS impact metrics in 2019. This number grew to 195 in 2020, 274 in 2021, and 311 in 2022. These metrics clearly reflect the influence of the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge on academia and the relevance of innovation and knowledge as an open, multidisciplinary research field. Further evidence is the endorsement of the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge with an “A” rating on the ABDC Journal Quality List published by the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC).

These successful results in terms of global academic impact could not have been achieved without the dedication and commitment of the two Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. Dr. Daniel Palacios-Marqués, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, has driven the journal’s development from scratch, while current Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Juan Piñeiro-Chousa, from the University of Santiago de Compostela, has consolidated the success of the journal. It is also important to acknowledge the dedication of the Editorial Board and Associate Editors, who have impelled the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge to its current distinguished academic standing. The constant support of reviewers, coupled with the backing of Elsevier, the journal’s publisher, has been a pillar of this achievement and deserves equal recognition.

This special issue commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge also serves as a way of thanking the current 94 members of the editorial team, which spans 22 countries and regions worldwide, the new Area Editors of the Editorial Board, and the editorial staff for their effective assistance. A debt of gratitude is also owed to the authors from over 66 countries who have published their work in the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. Their high-quality contributions have furthered the fields of innovation and knowledge.

Over the past decade, the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge has sought to foster an interdisciplinary approach and promote a multitude of scientific practices and methods around innovation and knowledge. The Journal of Innovation & Knowledge encourages the development of scientific contributions that can identify and create knowledge through numerous forms of innovation (Kline and Rosenberg, 2010; Rajapathirana and Hui, 2018). The characteristics of innovation and knowledge and their impact on society underscore the relevance of the journal to academic development by offering significant theoretical and practical advances (Abubakar et al., 2019). Innovation allows for the dissemination of new business forms and strategies, the adoption of novel strategic concepts such as open innovation, and the promotion of new models of organizational behavior in companies (Saura et al., 2023).

This feature fosters both individual and collective creativity and innovation through team management, generating knowledge at both the institutional and corporate levels and making an impact through social innovation (Ode and Ayavoo, 2020). In this innovative paradigm, the management and creation of knowledge are paramount. In increasingly interconnected ecosystems, identifying patterns and trends enables the generation of new ways of creating, identifying, and managing knowledge (Alshanty and Emeagwali, 2019). New practices that pinpoint contributions and their impact on globalization have become benchmark academic studies in this research area (Li et al., 2023).

This new connected, global era fosters innovation and knowledge through the development of new policies and practices. Using innovation, these policies and practices then stimulate new forms of knowledge (Cen et al., 2023). The Journal of Innovation & Knowledge promotes cross-cultural studies (Alkhowaiter, 2022) and proposes challenges for policy development to identify new practices and scientific models for understanding innovation and knowledge from new angles and perspectives. This new generation, which is focused on data and data-driven decisions, has led many institutions and companies to enhance innovation and knowledge through the adoption or use of technology (Brynjolfsson and McElheran, 2016; Troisi et al., 2020).

At this juncture, information systems play a crucial role in the development and adoption of new technologies that spur innovation and knowledge, new behaviors adapted to the digital environment, and new forms of society (Philipson, 2020). Under these models of development, both innovation and knowledge management are becoming increasingly complex and decisive for business strategies and activities to succeed (Buck et al., 2023). Not only should the role of technological adoption be emphasized, but education must also encourage learning to use new forms of technology, with artificial intelligence (AI) being a prime example (Duan et al., 2019). Education can help society encourage the use of new forms of innovation (Ji et al., 2023). Science, like many industries, is being propelled by the AI revolution, and automated information systems and algorithms are becoming increasingly prevalent. This shift can incentivize companies and institutions to generate insights and create knowledge through innovation (López-Cabarcos et al., 2020).

In this new ecosystem, the opportunities and challenges of AI in research highlight significant hurdles for technological development systems to drive the economy, sustainability, innovation, and knowledge (Dana et al., 2022). Ethics and automated decision making in managing such innovation and knowledge with AI also pose significant challenges for science. The transfer of these innovations to the productive sector and the generation of joint knowledge between science and the professional sector further enhance quality and excellence in outcomes across both industries (Saura et al., 2021).

These challenges and obstacles, as well as the new paradigms put forth by technological development and the study of innovation and knowledge as pillars for the development of business, marketing, management, engineering, sciences, and education strategies, are central to the Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. For its 10th anniversary, the journal therefore invites authors of theoretical, practical, empirical, or exploratory studies to focus on the following research areas:

1. Forms of innovation

  • Product, process, or industry innovation
  • Social or environmental innovation
  • Open innovation
  • Application of disruptive innovations
  • Technological or non-technological innovation

2. Knowledge patterns in relation to innovation

  • Knowledge acquisition and innovation performance
  • The role of knowledge networks in innovation
  • Knowledge transfer and innovation success
  • Patterns of knowledge diffusion and innovation

3. Knowledge-related changes that introduce innovations and best practices in society

  • The role of knowledge in social innovation
  • Managing knowledge best practices and sustainable development goals
  • Knowledge-related challenges in innovation
  • The impact of knowledge on educational innovations
  • Knowledge-driven innovations in governance and policymaking
  • Data-driven approaches to innovation and knowledge

4. Globalization in innovation and knowledge

  • Global knowledge transfer and innovation
  • Innovation and knowledge in the context of global supply chains
  • The role of multinational enterprises in global knowledge and innovation
  • Globalization, knowledge management, and innovation systems

5. Innovation policies and practices that lead to knowledge

  • Knowledge-based innovation policies
  • Innovation practices in knowledge-intensive firms and corporations
  • Innovation strategies and knowledge creation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Government innovation policies and knowledge economy

6. Cross-cultural case studies in knowledge and innovation

  • Cross-cultural innovation and knowledge transfer
  • Innovation and knowledge management in multicultural teams
  • Comparative studies on knowledge and innovation in different cultures and societies
  • Cultural dimensions of knowledge sharing and innovation development
  • Cross-cultural differences in innovation and knowledge creation strategies

7. New practical models and paradigms for understanding and fostering innovation and knowledge

  • Models of innovative ecosystems
  • Paradigms of knowledge creation and dissemination
  • Innovative approaches to knowledge-based strategic management
  • Novel models for promoting knowledge culture, sharing, and innovation
  • Evolution of theoretical models in innovation and knowledge

8. Knowledge and innovation derived from data and artificial intelligence (AI)

  • AI-enabled innovation processes
  • Knowledge discovery through big data and machine learning
  • Data-driven knowledge creation and innovation
  • Impact of AI on knowledge management systems
  • AI, big data, and innovation in the digital economy

9. Information systems in knowledge and innovation

  • The role of information systems in knowledge management
  • Information systems for knowledge sharing and collaboration
  • Digital transformation and its impact on knowledge and innovation
  • Information systems, knowledge networks, and innovation

10. Knowledge and innovation in organizations and their behaviors

  • Organizational knowledge culture and innovation performance
  • Innovation behaviors in knowledge-intensive organizations
  • The role of leadership in organizational knowledge and innovation
  • Organizational learning and leading, knowledge management, and innovation
  • The influence of organizational structure on knowledge and innovation

11. Digital innovation and transformation

  • Digital transformation and environmental innovation
  • Green growth, technology, and innovation
  • Digital transformation and green enterprise innovation
  • Digital transformation and green technology innovation
  • Digital finance and green technology innovation
  • Business transformation, sustainability, and eco‐innovations
  • Innovation challenges of digital transformation
  • Sustainable innovation of technology and business models
  • Digital business models, digital transformation, and digital entrepreneurship
  • Digital transformation and environmental innovation
  • Environmental decentralization, digital finance, and green technology innovation
  • Digital innovation and digital business transformation
  • Digital transformation and sustainable business model innovation

12. Innovations for sustainable development

  • Industry 4.0, innovation, and sustainable development
  • Technological innovation and sustainable development
  • Entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainable development
  • Frugal innovations and sustainable development
  • Financial development and technological innovation toward sustainable development
  • Green innovation, sustainable development goals, and green knowledge management
  • Financial innovation and sustainable development
  • Green innovation in sustainable supply chains
  • Eco-innovation toward sustainable development
  • Sustainability‐oriented innovation in sustainable development
  • Open innovation toward sustainable development goals
  • Responsible innovation for sustainable development goals
  • Social innovation and sustainable development
  • Regional innovation for sustainable development

Lastly, to continue to attract high-quality academic contributions focused on innovation and knowledge, this special issue provides an opportunity to transform, create, and reformulate existing strategies for knowledge management of innovation in all its forms. This special issue calls upon researchers who seek to establish new models and parameters for understanding knowledge management and innovation, the application and adoption of emerging technologies, or the evolution of these concepts in new paradigms and ecosystems. Consideration will be given to contributions, empirical studies, reviews, case studies, experiments, and other methodological approaches that are directly or indirectly centered on the themes indicated above, always linked to innovation and knowledge.

Manuscript submission information:

The timeline for this special issue is as follows:

Submission dates: September 1, 2023 to December 20, 2024.

Review process: On a rolling basis from September 2023 to March 2025.

Publication: This special issue is a VSI. Accepted papers will be published online immediately upon acceptance and will be included in the next available issue of the journal.

When submitting your manuscript please select the article type “VSI: 10th Anniversary”. Please submit your manuscript here: Editorial Manager®


Abubakar, A. M., Elrehail, H., Alatailat, M. A., & Elçi, A. (2019). Knowledge management, decision-making style and organizational performance. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 4(2), 104-114.

Alkhowaiter, W. A. (2022). Use and behavioural intention of m-payment in GCC countries: Extending meta-UTAUT with trust and Islamic religiosity. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 7(4), 100240.

Alshanty, A. M., & Emeagwali, O. L. (2019). Market-sensing capability, knowledge creation and innovation: The moderating role of entrepreneurial-orientation. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 4(3), 171-178.

Arber, W. (2017). Genetic engineering represents a safe approach for innovations improving nutritional contents of major food crops. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 2(2), 87-89.

Brynjolfsson, E., & McElheran, K. (2016). The rapid adoption of data-driven decision-making. American Economic Review, 106(5), 133-139.

Buck, C., Clarke, J., de Oliveira, R. T., Desouza, K. C., & Maroufkhani, P. (2023). Digital transformation in asset-intensive organisations: The light and the dark side. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(2), 100335.

Cen, J., Fu, F., Yang, Y., Yan, J., & Li, J. (2023). Distant or Local? The Roles of Knowledge Search on General Purpose Technology Innovation in Emerging Industries. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(2), 100331.

Dana, L. P., Salamzadeh, A., Hadizadeh, M., Heydari, G., & Shamsoddin, S. (2022). Urban entrepreneurship and sustainable businesses in smart cities: Exploring the role of digital technologies. Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship, 1(2), 100016.

Duan, Y., Edwards, J. S., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2019). Artificial intelligence for decision making in the era of Big Data–evolution, challenges and research agenda. International journal of information management, 48, 63-71.

Ji, M., Jiao, Y., & Cheng, N. (2023). An Innovative decision-making scheme for the high-quality economy development driven by higher education. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(2), 100345.

Kline, S. J., & Rosenberg, N. (2010). An overview of innovation. Studies on science and the innovation process: Selected works of Nathan Rosenberg, 173-203.

Li, S., Gao, L., Han, C., Gupta, B., Alhalabi, W., & Almakdi, S. (2023). Exploring the effect of digital transformation on Firms’ innovation performance. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(1), 100317.

López-Cabarcos, M. Á., Ribeiro-Soriano, D., & Piñeiro-Chousa, J. (2020). All that glitters is not gold. The rise of gaming in the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 5(4), 289-296.

Ode, E., & Ayavoo, R. (2020). The mediating role of knowledge application in the relationship between knowledge management practices and firm innovation. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 5(3), 210-218.

Philipson, S. (2020). Sources of innovation: Consequences for knowledge production and transfer. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 5(1), 50-58.

Rajapathirana, R. J., & Hui, Y. (2018). Relationship between innovation capability, innovation type, and firm performance. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(1), 44-55.

Saura, J. R, Palacios-Marqués, D. and Ribeiro-Soriano, D. (2023). Exploring the boundaries of Open Innovation: Evidence from social media mining, Technovation, 119, January 2023, 102447.

Saura, J. R., Ribeiro-Soriano, D., & Palacios-Marqués, D. (2021). From user-generated data to data-driven innovation: A research agenda to understand user privacy in digital markets. International Journal of Information Management, 60, 102331.

Troisi, O., Maione, G., Grimaldi, M., & Loia, F. (2020). Growth hacking: Insights on data-driven decision-making from three firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 538-557.

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  • Special Issue articles are published together on ScienceDirect, making it incredibly easy for other researchers to discover your work.
  • Special content articles are downloaded on ScienceDirect twice as often within the first 24 months than articles published in regular issues.
  • Special content articles attract 20% more citations in the first 24 months than articles published in regular issues.
  • All articles in this special issue will be reviewed by no fewer than two independent experts to ensure the quality, originality and novelty of the work published.

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Transition from Linear to Circular Economy through Open Innovation
Guest editors: Madjid Tavana, Serena Strazzullo, Mark Anthony Camilleri, Moacir Godinho Filho, Serena Filippelli, Benedetta Pini

The research topic proposed in the special issue allows advancing knowledge regarding the interrelationship between Circular Economy (CE) and Open Innovation (OI), aiming to promote the green transition. The environmental emergency requires the transition to new models of sustainable development. Consequently, governments worldwide are taking action to develop green policies (i.e., The European Green Deal, the United Nations 2030 Agenda, etc.). Specifically, the UN organization has compiled a list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals, among which can be found to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns. Underlying this goal is the concept of the CE, which is considered the economic approach to be embraced to reduce the pressure on natural systems.

For this reason, implementing CE principles supports the green transition. This subject particularly appeals to governments, practitioners, and academics, justifying an in-depth study of how organizations can effectively implement CE principles to accomplish a green transition. In this context, OI represents a viable approach to foster and speed up the implementation of circular initiatives. Specifically, the literature (elucidated in the following paragraphs) highlights how the ecosystem approach enabled by OI facilitates this process, thus deserving attention. For the reasons stated here and for relevance to the journal’s scope, the research topic related to the transition from Linear to CE through OI deserves an entire issue.

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