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Journal of Innovation & Knowledge
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Section Index

17 Articles
N-REL: A comprehensive framework of social media marketing strategic actions for marketing organizations
Artha Sejati Ananda, Ángel Hernández-García, Lucio Lamberti
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 1 (2016) 170-80
Open access
Understanding employee motivation and organizational performance: Arguments for a set-theoretic approach
Michael T. Lee, Robyn L. Raschke
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 1 (2016) 162-9
Open access
Organizational capabilities in the digital era: Reframing strategic orientation
Ludovico Bullini Orlandi
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 1 (2016) 156-61
Open access
Omnichannel strategy and the distribution of public services in Spain
Manuel Rey-Moreno, Cayetano Medina-Molina
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 1 (2016) 36-43
Open access
Copoiesis: Mutual knowledge creation in alliances
Ricarda Barbara Bouncken, Robin Pesch, Andreas Reuschl
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 1 (2016) 44-50
Open access
The art and economics of international negotiations: Haggling meets hurrying and hanging on in buyer–seller negotiations
Ursula F. Ott
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 1 (2016) 51-61
Open access
Crecimiento, progreso económico y emprendimiento
Miguel Ángel Galindo-Martín, María Teresa Méndez-Picazo, María Soledad Castaño-Martínez
Journal of Innovation and Knowledge 1 (2016) 62-8
Open access