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ISSN: 1870-0578

Mexican Law Review (MLR) is an open access scientific research journal published by the UNAM¿s Institute for Legal Research. It aims to be a forum for academic research and a platform for discussion where novel legal issues of interest to Mexico, North America and Latin America are explored. The journal offers researchers, academics and students the opportunity to publish articles and papers on relevant Mexican and comparative law issues. All contributions are subject to a ¿double blind¿ peer review and must conform to the guidelines for authors.

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Discontinued publication
Vol. 10. Issue 1.
Pages 3-142 (July - December 2017)
State Power and the Enforcement of Prohibition in Mexico
Dawn Paley
Mexican Law Review. 2017;10:3-20
Open access
The Need to Remove the Civil Code from Mexican Commercial Laws: the Case of “Offers” and “Firm Promises”
Raúl Iturralde González
Mexican Law Review. 2017;10:21-44
Open access
The Recognition of Foreign Law: Foreign Maritime Liens Under Mexican Law
Abraham Alejandro Servín Caamaño
Mexican Law Review. 2017;10:45-67
Open access
Rejection of Executory Contracts: A Comparative Economic Analysis
Susana Dávalos
Mexican Law Review. 2017;10:69-101
Open access
Minority Rights for Immigrants: From Multiculturalism to Civic Participation
Elisa Ortega Velázquez
Mexican Law Review. 2017;10:103-26
Open access
The Consumption of Marijuana from A Legal and Philosophical Viewpoint
Guillermo José Mañón Garibay
Mexican Law Review. 2017;10:129-42
Open access