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Available online 15 November 2022
Selection of patients for percutaneous closure in nonlacunar cryptogenic stroke associated with patent foramen ovale. Data from the NORDICTUS cooperative registry
Selección de pacientes para cierre percutáneo en el ictus isquémico no lacunar criptogénico asociado a foramen oval permeable. Datos del registro cooperativo NORDICTUS
J. Tejada Garcíaa,
Corresponding author

Corresponding author.
, L.B. Lara Lezamaa, R. de la Fuente Blancoa, A. Pérez de Pradob, L. Benavente Fernándezc, M. Rico Santosc, M.D. Fernández Coutod, L. Naya Ríosd, I. Couso Pazóe, P.V. Albae, L. Redondo-Roblesf, L. López Mesonerof, S. Arias-Rivasg, M. Santamaría Cadavidg, H. Tejada Mezah, L. Horna Cañetei, I. Azkune Callei, A. Pinedo Brochadoi, J.M. García Sánchezj, I. Caballero Romeroj..., M.M. Freijo Guerrerok, A. Luna Rodríguezk, M. de Lera-Alfonsol, J.F. Arenillas Laral, C. Pérez Lázarom, M.P. Navarro Pérezm, M. Martínez ZabaletanVer más
a Unidad de Ictus, Sección de Neurología, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León, León, Spain
b Servicio de Cardiología, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León, León, Spain
c Unidad de Ictus, Sevicio de Neurología, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Spain
d Servicio de Neurología, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña, Spain
e Unidad de Ictus, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo, Spain
f Servicio de Neurología, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca, Spain
g Servicio de Neurología, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago, Spain
h Sección de Neurovascular, Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Grupo de Investigación en Neurociencias, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria (IIS) Aragón, Spain
i Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Galdakao-Usansolo (Bizkaia), Spain
j Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Universitario de Basurto-OSI Bilbao, Spain
k Biocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute, Hospital Universitario Cruces, Enfermedades Cerebrovasculares (RICORS), Spain
l Unidad de Ictus, Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Spain
m Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa, Spain
n Servicio de Neurología, Hospital Universitario de Donostia, Spain
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Received 11 May 2022. Accepted 15 September 2022
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There is an extending use of percutaneous closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO) as therapy for PFO-associated cryptogenic strokes. The aim of our study was to investigate the clinical practice of percutaneous closure of PFO and to analyse the variables for decision-making on the selection of patients for this procedure.


A prospective observational multicentric survey was conducted using all the cases of cryptogenic stroke/transient ischaemic attack associated with PFO recorded in the NORDICTUS hospital registry during the period 2018-2021. Clinical data, radiological patterns, echocardiogram data and factors related to PFO-associated stroke (thromboembolic disease and paradoxical embolism criteria) were recorded. The indication for closure was analysed according to age (≤/> 60 years) and the characteristics of the PFO.


In the group ≤ 60 years (n = 488), 143 patients (29.3%) underwent PFO closure. The most influential variables for this therapy were detection of a high-risk PFO (OR 4.11; IC 2.6-6.5, P < .001), criteria for paradoxical embolism (OR 2.61; IC 1.28−5.28; P = .008) and previous use of antithrombotics (OR 2.67; IC 1.38−5.18; P = .009). In the > 60 years group (n = 124), 24 patients had PFO closure (19%). The variables related to this option were history of pulmonary thromboembolism, predisposition to thromboembolic disease, paradoxical embolism criteria, and high-risk PFO.


The detection of a high-risk PFO (large shunt, shunt with associated aneurysm) is the main criterion for a percutaneous closure-based therapy. Other conditions to consider in the eligibility of patients are the history of thromboembolic disease, paradoxical embolism criteria or the previous use of antithrombotics.

Patent foramen ovale
Percutaneous closure

El tratamiento mediante cierre percutáneo está extendiendo su uso en el Ictus asociado a Foramen Oval Permeable (FOP). El objetivo del estudio es analizar la práctica clínica del cierre percutáneo de FOP y conocer las variables que determinan esta indicación.


Registro observacional prospectivo de casos de ictus isquémico/ataque isquémico transitorio criptogénico asociado a FOP diagnosticados en la red de hospitales NORDICTUS en el periodo 2018−2021. Se registraron datos clínicos, patrón radiológico, datos de ecocardiograma y factores vinculados al ictus asociado a FOP (enfermedad tromboembólica y criterios de embolia paradójica) Se analizó la indicación de cierre según edad (≤/> 60 años) y de las características del FOP.


En el grupo ≤60 años (n = 488) se indicó cierre en 143 pacientes (29,3%). Las variables predictoras de esta indicación fueron: detección de un FOP de alto riesgo (OR 4,11; IC 2,6-6,5, p < 0,001), criterio de embolismo paradójico (OR 2,61; IC 1,28-5,28; p = 0,008) y el uso previo de antitrombóticos (OR 2,67; IC 1,38-5,18; p = 0,009). En el grupo de > 60 años (n = 124), el cierre se indicó en 24 casos (19%). Las variables relacionadas con esta opción fueron: antecedente de tromboembolismo pulmonar, predisposición a enfermedad tromboembólica, criterios de embolismo paradójico y FOP de alto riesgo


En la indicación de cierre percutáneo, el factor principal es la detección de un FOP de alto riesgo (cortocircuito masivo, cortocircuito con aneurisma asociado). Otros factores de interés en la selección de pacientes son: antecedentes de enfermedad tromboembólica, criterios de embolismo paradójico o el uso previo de antitrombóticos.

Palabras clave:
Foramen oval permeable
Cierre percutáneo
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The incidence of stroke in Spain ranges from 150 to 200 cases per 100 000 population, while the age-adjusted prevalence is 7.6%.1,2 Between 20% and 40% of all ischaemic strokes are classified as cryptogenic after complete evaluation. The aetiological study may detect patent foramen ovale (PFO) in up to 40% of patients with cryptogenic stroke. In clinical practice, this translates into a large number of strokes associated with PFO, which underscores the need to issue treatment recommendations based on solid evidence.3

Patients with stroke and PFO constitute a heterogeneous group, presenting considerable differences in the role PFO plays in the development of the cerebrovascular event. This has led to controversy about various questions, ranging from pathogenesis (paradoxical embolism and other mechanisms) to secondary prevention (percutaneous closure and medical treatment).4–8 Studies aiming to determine the optimal assessment strategy for these patients present methodological issues linked to multiple hard-to-control variables involved in the relationship between stroke and PFO. In clinical practice, this has led to uncertainty with regard to how best to manage PFO in patients with cryptogenic stroke.4

Randomised clinical trials9–12 published between 2017 and 2018 and subsequent meta-analyses confirmed the superiority of percutaneous closure over antiplatelet therapy.13–17 Based on these results, scientific societies have issued guidelines and position statements recommending that patient selection and thorough assessment be performed by multidisciplinary teams.18–20 The most recent guidelines establish a strength of recommendation 2a for indicating percutaneous closure of high-risk PFO (large shunt size or atrial septal aneurysm) in patients aged 18-60 years, especially if they do not present a low Risk of Paradoxical Embolism (RoPE) scale score or do not need anticoagulant therapy.18 The creation of multidisciplinary teams including cardiologists and neurologists to evaluate the therapeutic options available and to inform patients about the risks and benefits of each treatment helps to make better decisions.18,19 This may be particularly useful in cases where the published evidence has little clinical applicability. In the light of the above, researchers should seek to analyse groups previously excluded from clinical trials (patients older than 60 years, patients with transient ischaemic attack [TIA] and no lesions on imaging)9–11 or groups potentially benefiting from PFO closure (patients aged 61-69 years, patients with low-risk PFO).4,21

Data from cooperative registries may be useful to evaluate the care provided to these patients in real practice and to address questions that clinical trials have been unable to answer. Therefore, scientific societies recommend using prospective registries to gather data on the practical management of these patients in our hospitals, with a view to evaluating several variables associated with patient management, treatment interventions, and efficacy and safety outcomes.19,20

In the light of the above, and with a view to expanding our knowledge of the treatment of stroke associated with PFO, we designed a cooperative registry with the following aims:

  • 1

    To evaluate eligibility criteria for percutaneous closure of PFO according to current recommendations.

  • 2

    To analyse the indications for patients aged over 60 years and other patient groups (TIA, ages 61-69, low-risk PFO).

  • 3

    To determine the safety and efficacy of the procedures.

Material and methodsProtocol approval and informed consent

The study was conducted at 14 centres participating in NORDICTUS, a cerebrovascular disease research network involving a series of hospitals in northern Spain (Aragon, Navarre, the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia, and Castile-Leon). The study was approved by each centre’s research ethics committee. Informed consent was obtained from all participants or their legal representatives. The study was promoted by the Spanish Society of Neurology’s Stroke Study Group in the context of its Project Stroke.

Study design and patient selection

We conducted a prospective, observational study of cases of nonlacunar cryptogenic ischaemic stroke associated with PFO diagnosed at any hospital in the NORDICTUS network between 2018 and 2021.

Researchers recruited patients with ischaemic stroke or TIA in whom the aetiological study had failed to identify a specific cause for the cerebrovascular event but had detected PFO (according to the classification of the Spanish Society of Neurology22).

The aetiological study included common laboratory tests (complete blood count, biochemical profile, lipid profile), thrombophilia testing, determination of toxic substances (if indicated), venous ultrasound (if indicated), cardiology study (electrocardiography, telemetry at the stroke unit or 24-h Holter monitor, echocardiography), and neurovascular study (transcranial and supra-aortic trunk Doppler ultrasound study, MRI angiography or CT angiography).

The system used a digital data collection platform that is periodically reviewed to ensure the veracity of the data.

Clinical variables, neuroimaging findings, and diagnosis of patent foramen ovaleClinical variables

From each patient we recorded the following data:

  • 1)

    Demographic data (age and sex), vascular risk factors (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidaemia, ischaemic heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, smoking, alcohol abuse, previous stroke/TIA, migraine), antithrombotic therapy (antiplatelets/anticoagulants), use of drugs or toxic substances (urine toxicology tests).

  • 2)

    Factors linked to stroke associated with PFO: history of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary thromboembolism, predisposition to thromboembolic disease (history of deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary thromboembolism, varices, immobility, prothrombotic state), physiological stressors during the stroke (Valsalva manoeuvres, exercising, lifting heavy weights, coughing, yawning, defecating, sexual activity), and criteria of paradoxical embolism (cerebral embolism/deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary thromboembolism/right-to-left shunt).23,24

  • 3)

    Clinical data about stroke: time of onset, severity (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score25), type (Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project classification26), thrombophilia testing results, risk of paradoxical embolism (RoPE scale27), and preventive medical treatment.

  • 4)

    Radiological characteristics of the cerebrovascular event: topography (anterior and/or posterior circulation, no lesion) and neuroimaging lesion pattern (territorial, scattered, involving the territory of the cerebral perforating arteries).

The stroke pattern was considered embolic when it was scattered (multiple lesions in one or several vascular territories) or territorial (corticosubcortical or cortical lesion in one vascular territory).28

Diagnosis of patent foramen ovaleTranscranial Doppler ultrasound

The transtemporal window was used to monitor the middle cerebral artery with a 2.5 MHz probe. A syringe was used to inject 1 mL air and 9 mL sterile isotonic saline solution. The study was performed a minimum of 2 times at rest and 2 times after a Valsalva manoeuvre. PFO was classified as small (1-10 microbubbles), medium (> 10 microbubbles with no shower/curtain pattern), or large (shower/curtain pattern).29

Cardiac ultrasound

The cardiology study included transthoracic and/or transoesophageal echocardiography studies. For diagnosis of PFO, we injected agitated saline at rest and during Valsalva manoeuvres.

Shunt severity was classified as mild (< 10 microbubbles), moderate (10-30 microbubbles), or severe (> 30 microbubbles).

The study evaluated the presence of other anatomical alterations, such as atrial septal aneurysm (defined as an aneurysm presenting > 10 mm excursion from the atrial septal plane and > 15 mm base diameter) and embryonic remnants (Chiari network, Eustachian valve).30,31

PFO was considered to be high-risk when it presented severe shunt or was associated with an atrial septal aneurysm.18–20

Patient follow-up and response variables

Patients were recruited between 1 February 2018 and 31 December 2021. All participants underwent periodic follow-up examinations throughout the study period. We recorded the number of days between stroke occurrence and the end of the study. In the group of patients with an indication of PFO closure, the following response variables were analysed: complications during device implantation, late-onset complications (> 7 days after the procedure), and stroke recurrence.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS version 15.0 for Windows. Qualitative variables are expressed as number of cases and percentage, and quantitative variables as mean and standard deviation (SD) and median and quartiles 1 and 3 (Q1-Q3).

The univariate analysis was performed with the chi-square test or the Fisher exact test for categorical variables. We compared normally distributed quantitative variables with the t-test and non–normally distributed quantitative variables with the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test.

The multivariate analysis included those variables presenting P-values < .1; through stepwise logistic regression, we determined the factors potentially predicting indication of PFO closure. Values of P ≤ .05 were considered statistically significant.

ResultsPatient characteristics

The registry included a total of 612 patients; 488 were ≤ 60 years old and 124 were > 60 years old (Table 1). As would be expected, all risk factors (except smoking) were more prevalent among patients in the older age group. The cardiology study for detection of PFO included both transthoracic and transoesophageal echocardiography studies in 315 patients (51.4%) and transthoracic echocardiography only in the remaining 297. No significant differences were observed in the presence of anatomical alterations on ultrasound (severe shunt, atrial septal aneurysm, embryonic remnants). However, high-risk PFO (severe shunt or shunt associated with aneurysm) was more frequent in the older group (65.3% vs 54.1%; P = .037).

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics by age group.

  ≤ 60 years(n = 488)  > 60 years(n = 124)  P 
Age, mean (SD)  47.25 (8.42)  69.86 (6.36)   
Clinical data       
Women  186 (38.1)  62 (50)  .016 
Hypertension  74 (15.2)  57 (46.0)  < .001 
Diabetes  22 (4.5)  16 (12.9)  .001 
Dyslipidaemia  120 (24.5)  55 (44.4)  < .001 
Ischaemic heart disease  11 (2.3)  13 (10.5)  < .001 
Active smoking  148 (30.3)  12 (9.7)  < .001 
Migraine  65 (13.3)  9 (7.3)  .064 
Obesity  71 (14.5)  28 (22.6)  .030 
Peripheral vascular disease  5 (1)  4 (3.2)  .169 
Alcohol consumption  39 (8)  7 (5.6)  .59 
Use of toxic substances  23 (4.7)  0 (0)  .036 
Stroke  44 (9)  23 (18.5)  .002 
TIA  18 (3.7)  18 (14.5)  < .001 
History of stroke/TIA  55 (11.3)  33 (26.6)  < .001 
Prior use of antithrombotics  51 (10.5)  35 (28.2)  < .001 
Thromboembolic disease       
DVT  19 (3.9)  9 (7.3)  .105 
PTE  4 (0.8)  9 (7.3)  < .001 
Predisposition to TED  32 (6.6)  18 (14.5)  .004 
Physiological stressors  51 (10.5)  10 (8.1)  .428 
Thrombophilia/thrombophilia tests  64 (13.1)/328  11 (8.9)/64  .005 
Type of event      .595 
TIA  101 (20.7)  23 (18.5)   
Stroke  387 (79.3)  101 (81.5)   
NIHSS at admission, mean (SD) and median (Q1-Q33.25 (4.95)2 (0-4)  5.11 (6.25)2 (1-7.5)  < .001 
Embolic pattern  290 (59.4)  76 (61.3)  .811 
RoPE score, mean (SD)  6.2 (1.74)  3.9 (1.26)  < .001 
Median (Q1-Q36 (5-7)  4 (3-5)  < .001 
Paradoxical embolism  47 (9.6)  23 (18.5)  .005 
Transthoracic  225 (46.1)  72 (58.1)   
Transthoracic and transoesophageal  263 (53.8)  52 (41.9)   
Echocardiography findings       
High-risk PFO  264 (54.1)  81 (65.3)  .037 
Large shunt  236 (48.4)  63 (50.8)  .627 
Atrial septal aneurysm  127 (26)  45 (36.3)  .06 
Embryonic remnants  26 (5.3)  7 (5.6)  .88 
Contrast-enhanced transcranial Doppler ultrasound       
Not performed  48 (9.8)  43 (34.7)   
No shunt  12 (2.5)  3 (2.4)   
< 10  72 (15.3)  8 (6.5)   
10-25  99 (20.2)  18 (14.5)   
Shower/curtain pattern  257 (52.6)  52 (29.5)   
PFO closure  143 (29.3)  24 (19.4)  .026 

DVT: deep vein thrombosis; NIHSS: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; PFO: patent foramen ovale; PTE: pulmonary thromboembolism; Q1-Q3: quartiles 1 and 3; RoPE: Risk of Paradoxical Embolism scale; SD: standard deviation; TED: thromboembolic disease; TIA: transient ischaemic attack.

Data are presented as number and percentage unless otherwise indicated. We did not perform a comparative analysis with examinations for PFO (cardiac ultrasound and transcranial Doppler ultrasound).

Regarding the variables more closely linked to the pathophysiological mechanism of paradoxical embolism, history of pulmonary thromboembolism (7.3% vs 0.8%; P < .001) and predisposition to thromboembolic disease (14.5% vs 6.6%; P = .004) were more frequently observed in patients > 60 years of age. Likewise, patients in the older group more frequently met criteria for paradoxical embolism (18.5% vs 9.6%; P = .005).

A total of 392 patients (64%) underwent thrombophilia testing, with alterations being detected in 17% of them. These alterations were lupus anticoagulant (20 patients), hyperhomocysteinaemia (13), heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation (11), heterozygous prothrombin gene mutation (11), anticardiolipin antibodies (6), protein S deficiency (3), homozygous factor V Leiden mutation (1), and protein C deficiency (1).

Exploratory analysis of data on the indication of PFO closure by age group

In the ≤ 60 years group, PFO closure was indicated in 143 patients (29.3%). According to the univariate analysis, the variables associated with indication of PFO closure were no history of diabetes, history of stroke/TIA, use of antithrombotics, no history of drug abuse, an embolic stroke pattern on radiological images, predisposition to thromboembolic events, and ultrasound evidence of high-risk PFO (Table 2). In the logistic regression analysis, the variables predicting indication of PFO closure were ultrasound evidence of high-risk PFO (OR = 4.11; 95% CI, 2.6-5; P < .001), meeting diagnostic criteria for paradoxical embolism (OR = 2.61; 95% CI, 1.28-5.28; P = .008), and prior use of antithrombotics (OR = 2.67; 95% CI, 1.38-5.18; P = .009) (Table 3).

Table 2.

Variables associated with indication of percutaneous closure in patients ≤ 60 years. Univariate analysis.

N = 488  No PFO closure(n = 345)  PFO closure(n = 143)  P 
Age, mean (SD)  47.57 (8.22)  46.47 (8.87)  .187 
Clinical data       
Women  139 (40.3)  47 (32.9)  .124 
Hypertension  55 (15.9)  19 (13.3)  .457 
Diabetes mellitus  20 (5.8)  2 (1.4)  .022 
Dyslipidaemia  86 (24.9)  34 (23.8)  .778 
Tobacco use  112 (32.5)  36 (25.2)  .257 
Obesity  56 (16.2)  15 (10.5)  .132 
History of stroke/TIA  33 (9.6)  22 (15.4)  .064 
Thrombophilia  43 (12.5)  21 (14.7)  .642 
Migraine  41 (11.9)  24 (16.8)  .147 
Alcohol consumption  31 (9)  8 (5.6)  .28 
Use of toxic substances  21 (6.1)  2 (1.4)  .026 
Physiological stressors  31 (9)  20 (14)  .1 
Prior use of antithrombotics  29 (8.4)  22 (15.4)  .022 
Thromboembolic disease       
DVT  10 (2.9)  9 (6.3)  .078 
PTE  2 (0.6)  2 (1.4)  .336 
Predisposition to TED  19 (5.5)  13 (9.1)  .224 
NIHSS score, mean (SD)  2.94 (4.75)  3.74 (5.33)  .89 
Median (Q1-Q31 (0-3)  2 (0-5)   
Echocardiography findings       
High-risk PFO  155 (44.9)  109 (76.2)  <.001 
Atrial septal aneurysm  73 (21.2)  54 (37.8)  <.001 
Embryonic remnants  13 (3.8)  13 (9.1)  .017 
Embolic pattern  194 (56.2)  96 (67.1)  .067 
Paradoxical embolism  24 (7)  23 (16.1)  .002 
RoPE score > 7  157 (45.5)  73 (51)  .264 

Data are presented as number and percentage unless otherwise indicated.

DVT: deep vein thrombosis; NIHSS: National Institute of Health stroke scale; Q1-Q3: quartiles 1 and 3; PFO: patent foramen ovale; PTE: pulmonary thromboembolism; RoPE: Risk of Paradoxical Embolism scale; SD: standard deviation; TED: thromboembolic disease; TIA: transient ischaemic attack.

Table 3.

Multivariate analysis for establishing predictors of indication of percutaneous closure in patients ≤ 60 years of age.

  OR  95% CI  P 
Diabetes mellitus  0.23  0.05-1.06  .061 
Prior use of antithrombotics  2.67  1.38-5.18  .004 
History of deep vein thrombosis  1.06  0.35-3.23  .914 
High-risk PFO  4.11  2.60-6.5  < .001 
Paradoxical embolism  2.61  1.28-5.28  .008 

95% CI: 95% confidence interval; OR: odds ratio; PFO: patent foramen ovale.

In the group of patients aged > 60 years, PFO closure was indicated for 24 patients (19%). The variables associated with indication of PFO closure were history of pulmonary thromboembolism, predisposition to thromboembolic disease, meeting diagnostic criteria for paradoxical embolism, and high-risk PFO (Table 4).

Table 4.

Variables associated with indication of percutaneous closure in patients > 60 years of age.

N = 124  No PFO closure (n = 100)  PFO closure (n = 24)  P 
Age in years, mean (SD)  70.07 (6.63)  69 (5.14)  .462 
Clinical data       
Female sex  51 (51)  11 (45.8)  .649 
Hypertension  42 (42)  15 (62.5)  .070 
Diabetes mellitus  13 (13)  3 (12.5)  .948 
Hyperlipidaemia  44 (44)  11 (45.8)  .535 
Tobacco use  10 (10)  2 (8.3)  .660 
Obesity  25 (25)  3 (11.5)  .148 
Stroke  23 (23)  10 (41.7)  .063 
Ischaemic heart disease  11 (11)  1 (4.2)  .131 
Thrombophilia  8 (8)/49  3 (12.5)/15  .464 
Migraine  6 (6)  3 (12.5)  .240 
Physiological stressors  8 (8)  2 (8.3)  .614 
Prior use of antithrombotics  27 (27)  8 (33.3)  .536 
Thromboembolic disease       
DVT  8 (8)  1 (4.2)  .449 
PTE  4 (4)  5 (20.8)  .013 
Predisposition to TED  11 (11)  8 (33.3)  .006 
NIHSS score, mean (SD)  4.76 (6.08)  6.58 (6.87)  .20 
Median (Q1-Q32 (1-6.5)  4 (2-10)  .111 
Echocardiography findings       
High-risk PFO  57 (57)  24 (100)  .000 
Atrial septal aneurysm  30 (30)  15 (62.5)  .012 
Embryonic remnants  4 (4)  3 (12.5)  .131 
Embolic pattern  59 (59)  17 (70.8)  .490 
Paradoxical embolism  15 (15)  8 (33.3)  .038 

Data are presented as number and percentage unless otherwise indicated.

Multivariate analysis was not performed in the group of patients aged > 60 years as stepwise regression halts due to the magnitude of the effect of the variable high-risk PFO.

DVT: deep vein thrombosis; NIHSS: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; PFO: patent foramen ovale; PTE: pulmonary thromboembolism; Q1-Q3: quartiles 1 and 3; SD: standard deviation; TED: thromboembolic disease.

Exploratory analysis of other patient groups: TIA with no lesion on neuroimaging, PFO without anatomical evidence of high risk, and patients aged 61-69 years

This analysis included 76 patients with TIA, 19 of whom (25%) received indication of percutaneous closure (Table 5). A comparative analysis revealed that most patients with an indication for percutaneous closure presented high-risk PFO (78.9%, vs 45.6% of patients without this indication; P = .012). No differences were observed in the other factors analysed.

Table 5.

Variables associated with indication of percutaneous closure in patients with transient ischaemic attack.

N = 76  No PFO closure(n = 57)  PFO closure(n = 19)  P 
Age, mean (SD)  48.60 (10.72)  50.89 (7.25)  .38 
Clinical data       
Female sex  30 (52.6)  9 (47.4)  .69 
Hypertension  15 (26.3)  2 (10.5)  .131 
Diabetes mellitus  2 (3.5)  0 (0)  .560 
Dyslipidaemia  16 (28)  5 (26.3)  .327 
History of stroke/TIA  5 (8.8)  3 (15.8)  .317 
Active smoking  13 (22.8)  6 (31.6)  .478 
Use of toxic substances  1 (1.8)  1 (5.3)  .151 
Migraine  8 (14)  0 (0)  .08 
Obesity  9 (15.8)  2 (10.5)  .444 
Prior use of antithrombotics  6 (10.5)  4 (21.1)  .211 
Physiological stressors  4 (7)  1 (5.3)  .633 
Thrombophilia/thrombophilia testing  5 (8.8)/25  3 (15.8)/14  .561 
RoPE score > 7  20 (35.1)  3 (15.8)  .094 
DVT  0 (0)  1 (5.3)  .15 
PTE  1 (5.3)  0 (0)  .750 
Predisposition to TED  6 (10.5)  2 (10.5)  .683 
Paradoxical embolism  3 (5.3)  3 (15.8)  .161 
Echocardiography findings       
High-risk PFO  26 (45.6)  15 (78.9)  .012 
Large shunt  24 (42.1)  13 (68.4)  .047 
Atrial septal aneurysm  13 (22.8)  11 (57.9)  .013 

Data are presented as number and percentage unless otherwise indicated.

DVT: deep vein thrombosis; PFO: patent foramen ovale; PTE: pulmonary thromboembolism; RoPE: Risk of Paradoxical Embolism scale; SD: standard deviation; TED: thromboembolic disease; TIA: transient ischaemic attack.

In the group of patients aged ≤ 60 years, 224 patients showed no signs of high-risk PFO (moderate- or low-severity shunt/absence of aneurysm). Thirty-four patients (15.1%) underwent percutaneous closure. A comparative analysis of the study variables found no statistically significant association with this treatment option.

In the group of patients aged 61 to 69 years (n = 69), 45 cases of high-risk PFO were detected (65.2%). Percutaneous closure of PFO was indicated in 15 cases (21.7%). The factors associated with venous thromboembolism (40% vs 0%; P < .001) and presence of high-risk PFO (100% vs 55.6%; P = .001) were significantly associated with indication of percutaneous closure.

Patient follow-up and response variables

The median follow-up time was 16 months (Q1-Q3: 8-24). All patients were followed up throughout the whole study period. In patients undergoing percutaneous closure, the median time from stroke to the intervention was 133 days (Q1-Q3: 34-261.5). The following periprocedural complications were reported (Table 6): cardiac perforation (1 case), pulmonary thromboembolism (1), transient atrial fibrillation (2), and puncture-site haematoma without clinical repercussion (8). Among late complications of the procedure, one patient presented chronic atrial fibrillation.

Table 6.

Patient follow-up, recurrence of cerebrovascular events, and complications, by treatment and age.

  PFO closure  No PFO closure  P  ≤ 60 years  > 60 years  P 
Recurrence, n (%)  2 (1.2)  12 (2.7)  NS  6 (1.6)  8 (4.8)  .033 
Major periprocedural complications  PTE (1)      PTE (1)  Cardiac perforation (1)   
Minor periprocedural complications        Transient AF (2)Puncture-site haematoma without clinical repercussion (8)     
Late complications          AF (1)   

AF: atrial fibrillation; NS: not significant; PFO: patent foramen ovale; PTE: pulmonary thromboembolism.

A total of 14 patients presented recurrent stroke: 2 in the group undergoing percutaneous closure (1.2%) and 12 in the group receiving preventive treatment (2.7%; P = .207). Recurrence was more frequent in older individuals (6 cases [4.8%] vs 8 [1.6%]; P = .033).


Based on current knowledge, treatment indications for patients with cryptogenic stroke associated with PFO are based on reasonable, convincing evidence. Epidemiological studies, clinical trials, and recently published treatment guidelines provide reliable evidence supporting percutaneous closure in selected cases. However, in view of the distinct characteristics of stroke associated with PFO (prevalence, heterogeneity, level of evidence for indicating percutaneous closure), treatment guidelines and position statements promote the development of prospective registries aimed at understanding real clinical practice.

The main findings of our cooperative registry are as follows:

  • 1)

    The most relevant factor for indicating percutaneous closure is ultrasound evidence of high-risk PFO.

  • 2)

    In patients aged ≤ 60 years, percutaneous closure may be indicated in the event of paradoxical embolism or history of antithrombotic therapy.

  • 3)

    In patients older than 60 years, history of thromboembolic disease constitutes an important factor in deciding whether to indicate percutaneous closure.

  • 4)

    Patients with TIA and no lesions on neuroimaging may benefit from percutaneous closure if they present high-risk PFO.

  • 5)

    Percutaneous closure was also indicated to some patients with low-risk PFO, although we were unable to identify variables clearly associated with that decision.

  • 6)

    The rate of stroke recurrence was low, with a slightly higher rate among older individuals.

Presence of atrial septal aneurysm, embryonic remnants (Chiari network, Eustachian valve), or severe shunt has been associated with PFO as the causal agent of cryptogenic stroke.31–35 Numerous studies support this association.32–36 Two clinical trials reporting positive results only included patients with severe shunt or aneurysm; therefore, the benefit of percutaneous closure as compared to medical treatment was greater in these patients.11,12 Furthermore, the notion that PFO with mild or moderate shunts may also be associated with increased risk of recurrence has been confirmed in cooperative observational studies.37,38

Treatment guidelines and reports from medical societies have underscored the potential benefit of PFO closure in patients with large shunts, indicating that the procedure is less beneficial in patients with small shunts.18,19

Our registry confirms that high-risk PFO is the main indication for percutaneous closure. We analysed the indication of percutaneous closure in patients older than 60 years. Recent studies have found age to be a decisive factor in the risk of stroke recurrence in patients with cryptogenic stroke associated with PFO, and that this increased risk cannot be attributed exclusively to the greater burden of cerebrovascular risk factors associated with ageing.39,40 This points to the need for clinical trials including patients from these age groups. According to our results, patients aged > 60 years not only presented more risk factors but also showed greater prevalence of predisposition to thromboembolic disease, diagnostic criteria for paradoxical embolism, and high-risk PFO. This represents a challenge for patient selection, but at the same time makes percutaneous closure a reasonable, justified option for stroke prevention. This age group also presents a higher rate of recurrence and is more likely to develop adverse events, which are nonetheless acceptable for this indication.

Other groups of clinical interest, such as patients with TIA or those aged 61-69 years, were also analysed. Patients with TIA and no neuroimaging lesions were excluded from clinical trials; therefore, treatment recommendations are based on data from these studies and excluding stroke mimics. The interest of studying patients aged 61-69 years lies in the fact that this group shows a lower prevalence of atherothrombotic or cardioembolic disease. In these 2 groups, the main factor for indicating percutaneous closure was detection of high-risk PFO. Among patients aged 61-69 years, history of or predisposition to venous thromboembolism was also associated with indication of percutaneous closure.

Follow-up data support the efficacy and safety of the technique in our centres. Rates of stroke recurrence are low, with similar frequencies to those reported in observational studies and clinical trials.3

Time from stroke to percutaneous closure is a variable of practical interest. The median time of 133 days reflects the current management of these patients: complete aetiological study, presentation of results to cardiology-neurology committees, and waiting time until the procedure.

This study presents the limitations inherent to observational multicentre registries. Firstly, data collection is complex in clinical practice, and may cause variability in the interpretation of some studies (anatomical data from a cardiac ultrasound, neuroimaging patterns of brain lesions, etc), which may introduce bias in patient classification. Other limitations include the small size of the sample and the short follow-up period. A larger sample size may have achieved greater validity for specific groups (>60 years, TIA, and low-risk PFO). Furthermore, the follow-up period should have been longer due to the low rate of recurrence of stroke associated with PFO. However, considering that stroke associated with PFO is a major health problem requiring appropriate secondary prevention, our registry provides useful information about the applicability of current recommendations and the use of percutaneous closure in our centres, which may be of interest for the purpose of comparison with other centres, as well as for resource planning and management.


In clinical practice, the main factor for indicating percutaneous closure in patients with cryptogenic stroke associated with PFO is the detection of high-risk PFO (large shunt or interatrial septal aneurysm). Other important factors include history of thromboembolic disease, meeting criteria for paradoxical embolism, and prior use of antithrombotics.

Sources of funding

This study has received funding from Abbot Structural Heart and the EPIC Foundation for the study and promotion of cardiovascular research.

Conflicts of interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

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