Aims and scope
Open Access
RAI ¿ Revista de Administração e Inovação ¿ is a quarterly publication organized by the Business department of the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). RAI¿s main objectives are: to disseminate the intellectual production in the field of technological, organizational and market innovation, stimulating creative academic and research contributions; to do its share in increasing the knowledge production of the academic and professional communities related to applied sciences in the field of innovation; to serve as a proper channel to spread conceptual and methodological advances and experiences of innovation in modern society; and to foment the dissemination of knowledge that promotes new studies and new theoretical and empirical formulations for the field of innovation.
Indexed in:
OPEN J-GATE; ULRICHSWEB - GLOBAL SERIALS DIRECTORY; SUMÁRIOS - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras; EBSCO; ProQuest; Redalyc ¿ Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina; and SPELL - Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library.