Aims and scope

e-ISSN: 1886-158X Open Access
The Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial (RIAI) (Ibero-American Journal of Industrial Automation and Informatics) is the official Journal of the Comité Español de Automática (CEA) (Spanish Automation Committee), a member of the Federación Internacional de Control Automático (IFAC) (International Confederation of Automation Control). The Journal is directed towards the Ibero-American community, and in general, for environments in which Spanish is the basic language, and not exclusive, of communication. RIAI covers the wide field of Control Theory, Systems Engineering, Robotics, Automation Regulation, and the different technologies used in making these control systems, in particular those based on computers and communication networks. It publishes four issues per year, which include scientific-technical articles, communications and short articles, special articles, and opinion articles, of interest to research professionals, R&D Departments, and university community in the scientific-technical field of Industrial Automation and Informatics.
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