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Vol. 2. Issue 3.
Pages 138-145 (January 2009)
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Vol. 2. Issue 3.
Pages 138-145 (January 2009)
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Use of antipsychotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Uso de antipsicóticos durante el embarazo y la lactancia
José Manuel Bertolín Guilléna,
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Corresponding author.
, Enrique Soler Companyb
a Psychiatric Hospitalisation Unit, Psychiatry Department, Valencia-Arnau de Vilanova Health Department, Valencian Health Agency, Valencia, Spain
b Department of Pharmacy, Valencia-Arnau de Vilanova Health Department, Valencian Health Agency, Valencia, Spain
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There is growing acceptance that pregnancy itself is not a protective factor against mental disorders. Indeed, some mental disorders such as psychotic and bipolar disorders may become worse during pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period. In pregnant women with a mental disorder that can be treated with antipsychotics, the known risks—teratogenic, obstetric, neonatal and those affecting the mother— indicate that, in general, the risk of the non-treated disorder is higher than that resulting from the use of antipsychotics and that the reduction in psychoticism improves the overall prognosis of these women. All the antipsychotics marketed in Spain are included in category C of the US Food and Drug Administration, with the exception of clozapine and piperazine, which are included in category B. The use of all of these drugs should be avoided during breast feeding as far as possible. The most reliable current recommendations indicate that optimal control of severe mental disorders should be maintained during pregnancy, the postpartum and subsequent periods. These recommendations also indicate that women with mental disorders must be considered as high risk and that both these women and their pregnancies should be constantly monitored. The currently available scientific information does not allow more than relatively secure individually-tailored recommendations to be made. When taking the decision of whether or not to treat with antipsychotics, the use of a risk-benefit relationship is crucial, with the participation of the woman's partner or legal representative, other physicians and even the clinical pharmacist if necessary.

Breast feeding

Cada vez se acepta más que el embarazo por sí mismo no es un factor protector frente a los trastornos mentales. De hecho, tanto los trastornos psicóticos como los bipolares y otros pueden empeorar durante la gestación y el posparto inmediato. Los riesgos conocidos teratogénicos, obstétricos, neonatales y para la madre si ésta sufre un trastorno mental que pueda tratarse con antipsicóticos permiten afirmar que, en general, el riesgo del trastorno no tratado es mayor que el derivado del uso de antipsicóticos y que la reducción del psicoticismo mejora el pronóstico general de las gestantes. Todos los antipsicóticos comercializados en España están incluidos en la categoría C de la US Food and Drug Administration, menos la clozapina y la piperazina que lo están en la B. Es aconsejable evitar en lo posible el consumo de todos durante la lactancia. Las recomendaciones actuales más solventes indican que ha de mantenerse el control óptimo de los trastornos mentales graves durante el embarazo, el periodo del posparto y el ulterior, que debe considerarse en alto riesgo a las mujeres en esas condiciones y que tanto ellas como sus embarazos hay que monitorizarlos de forma continua. Con toda la información científica disponible en la actualidad no se puede hacer más que recomendaciones de seguridad relativa individualizadas por paciente. En la decisión médica de tratar o no con antipsicóticos es crucial ponderar juiciosamente la relación riesgo/beneficio, con la participación de la pareja o representante legal, de otros médicos y, en su caso, del farmacéutico clínico.

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