The EVISE site of The Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC (SJME) is no longer supporting new submissions. To submit an article to the journal please go to
The Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC (SJME) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal with an international vocation and welcomes manuscripts of authors all over the world. SJME publishes every year two regular issues and a Special Issue on a topic of particular interest for the journal audience. The Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC, formerly named Revista Española de Investigación de Marketing ESIC, has been published periodically since 1996 with the support of AEMARK (Spanish Association of Academic and Professional Marketing) and ESIC Business & Marketing School. The journal is published by Elsevier since 2014 and it is published fully in English since 2016.
Expected manuscript profile
SJME is especially interested in submissions that include unique and novel contributions on the frontier of knowledge, focused on emerging areas relevant to academic research in marketing or even opening new research niches. New methodologies and techniques are particularly appreciated.
SJME welcomes a wide array of original contributions (quantitative or qualitative empirical analysis, critical literature reviews, meta-analysis, theoretical papers, agenda for future research, etc.), as well as research that cross the frontiers between marketing and other related areas. Submitted manuscripts can be focused on Spanish, Latin-American, but also any other relevant market.
SJME has a very rigorous evaluation process and its main objective is to encourage debate and to promote the publication of the latest trends in research in the area of marketing. Works submitted must be prepared in accordance with the highest standards of quality. Manuscripts must be clear, concise, and logical. The use of professional editing services is highly recommended for non-native English speakers.
Agenda for Future Research
Considering the interest of the SJME for unique and novel contributions on the frontier of knowledge, this section aims to create a space for critical reflection of new directions in which future specialized research in the marketing field should advance. The Agenda for Future Research section welcomes contributions outlining emerging opportunities in the marketing discipline derived, for example, from changes in consumers' behavior. New challenges in this evolving field might be also addressed. In sum, this section aims to propose new research avenues for marketing academics in order to inspire future research agendas. Leading researchers in the marketing discipline, either alone or in collaboration, are highly encouraged to contribute to this Agenda for Future Research section. Due to the particularities of this type of contributions, no restrictions on manuscript structure and length apply.
The journal audience includes academics, students and professionals active in research in marketing worldwide interested in the aforementioned contributions.
Open Access
SJME is an open access journal: all articles will be immediately and permanently
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