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The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context
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Journal Information
Vol. 9. Issue 2.
Pages 51-102 (July 2017)
Contrasting the efficacy of the MMPI-2-RF overreporting scales in the detection of malingering
Guadalupe Sánchez, Amada Ampudia, Fernando Jiménez, Bárbara G. Amado
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context 9 (2017) 51-6
Open access
Development and validation of the Psychological Abuse Experienced in Groups Scale
Omar Saldaña, Álvaro Rodríguez-Carballeira, Carmen Almendros, Jordi Escartín
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context 9 (2017) 57-64
Open access
Prosocial reasoning and emotions in young offenders and non-offenders
Anna Llorca-Mestre, Elisabeth Malonda-Vidal, Paula Samper-García
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context 9 (2017) 65-73
Open access
Effects of parenting practices through deviant peers on nonviolent and violent antisocial behaviours in middle- and late-adolescence
Olalla Cutrín, José Antonio Gómez-Fraguela, Lorena Maneiro, Jorge Sobral
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context 9 (2017) 75-82
Open access
Dating violence compared to other types of violence: similar offenders but different victims
Anna-Kari Sjödin, Märta Wallinius, Eva Billstedt, Björn Hofvander, Thomas Nilsson
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context 9 (2017) 83-91
Open access
Differences in treatment adherence, program completion, and recidivism among batterer subtypes
Pablo Carbajosa, Alba Catalá-Miñana, Marisol Lila, Enrique Gracia
The European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context 9 (2017) 93-101
Open access