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Inicio Acta de Investigación Psicológica - Psychological Research Records Preface
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Vol. 5. Núm. 1.
Páginas ii (abril 2015)
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Vol. 5. Núm. 1.
Páginas ii (abril 2015)
Open Access
Rolando Díaz-Loving
Psychology Faculty, National Autonomous University of Mexico
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Under a Creative Commons license
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This first number of volume five of Psychological Research Records incorporates theoretically relevant and empirically rigorous papers that delve into the construction of basic psychology, which includes biological, eco-systemic, socio-cultural and behavioral dimensions that allow the creation of an ethic, applied, and efficient psychology. Contributions may be split into two main categories; the first one contains 8 articles with a socio-cultural approach that aims to specify which variables determine and explain health and wellbeing in different social groups and different problems, both social and organic. In the second section, two papers are related to human development, particularly to infants. As to the articles related to health and wellbeing, Margarita Maldonado Saucedo presents the effects that poverty has on subjective wellbeing and depression of elderly people; meanwhile, Allison Earl, Christina A. Nisson, and Dolores Albarracín discuss the effects of aversive cues on the increase of conscious emotions and the decrease of attention to information about stigmatized health related issues. With a more profound socio-cultural perspective, José Moral de la Rubia and Sandra Ramos Basurto analyze violence in couple relationships and alexithymia in women from Nuevo León, while Miguel de Alba Agredano, Amelia Castellanos Valencia and Luis Miguel Sánchez Loyo evaluate suicidal risk behavior and depressive symptoms on fathers of children with neuromuscular disease. Related to addictive behaviors, to papers appear, one focused on basic processes and the second on intervention. Regarding research about the psychological basis of behavior, Hugo Sánchez Castillo, Gabriela L. Franco Olivares, Ana K. Ramírez Reyes, Diana B. Paz Trejo and Florencio Miranda Herrera test nicotine as an aversive stimulus. To evaluate interventions in this field, Marina Velázquez Altamirano, Alberto Javier Córdova Alcaraz, Lidia Maribel Sánchez García and Ma. Del Carmen Fernández Cáceres assess the effects of a treatment program to stop drinking. Finally, in this section on health issues, a paper is focused on breast cancer (Fresia Paloma Hernández Moreno and René Landero Hernández) and another on adolescent sexuality (J. Isaac Uribe Alvarado, Javier Aguilar Villalobos, Ximena Zacarías Salinas and Amira Aguilar Casis). For the section on development, the article written by Paloma Suárez Brito, Elda Alicia Alva Canto and Ervin Ferreira Velasco focuses on processing speed as an indicator for vocabulary during the second year of life; and the article by Fernando Gordillo, Lilia Mestas, Judith Salvador, Miguel Ángel Pérez, José M. Arana and Rafael Manuel López loks at the differences in emotion recognition of 6 to 11 years old children. As in previous editions, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to researchers that place their trust in our journal and submit their valuable contributions towards the understanding of human behavior.

Copyright © 2015. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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