Volume seven, number two of Psychological Research Records, corresponding to the year two thousand seventeen, incorporates a series of articles that were accepted for publication after they went through the double-blind evaluation and editorial correction process. As in previous issues of the journal, this number shows a clear concern for valid, reliable and culturally relevant and sensitive measurement of various psychological phenomena. For this category, the first paper relates to work on the adaptation and validation of the Maslach burnout inventory; a second one deals with adolescent's perception of parenting practices; and the third corresponds to the adaptation of a measure of political ideology. A second group of manuscripts refer to developmental processes. One studies racial awareness in children, a second one with how parents and teachers can help increasing pro-social behaviors and reducing aggressive behaviors in children, and a third one with maternal perception of infant socio-emotional development. Closing the life cycle, a fourth article deals with the influences of musical learning on well-being of elderly people. As a corollary to the developmental section, an applied intervention is presented directed at increasing health care as a basis for optimal development. Two more articles complete this copy, one dealing with organizational psychology and one more with impression formation. The organizational manuscript deals with communications processes in companies, and the social cognition article refers to body size labeling performed by participants of differing socioeconomic backgrounds. As in previous issues, I wish to convey my deep appreciation for the conscientious and careful work carried out by our editorial committee and to the scientific community for their interesting and original research.