Presentar nuestra experiencia en el manejo de la rotura traumática de la aorta torácica en los traumatismos cerrados.
IntroducciónLa rotura de la aorta torácica en traumatismos cerrados es una entidad grave, asociada a una elevada morbimortalidad con el tratamiento quirúrgico convencional. La cirugía endovascular se está imponiendo en el tratamiento de la patología vascular torácica, por lo que, dada su menor agresividad, parece estar aún más indicada en esta patología.
Casos clínicosCaso 1: varón de 34 años que, tras un accidente de motocicleta, presentaba un politraumatismo con múltiples fracturas óseas, lesiones abdominales y craneales. Fue trasladado a nuestro centro con un diagnóstico de rotura aórtica torácica e intervenido de forma urgente mediante dos endoprótesis. El control a los 24 meses se observó la exclusión completa de la lesión sin fugas. Caso 2: varón de 19 años que, tras un accidente de tráfico, presentaba un politraumatismo con múltiples fracturas óseas, lesiones abdominales y craneales. Fue trasladado a nuestro centro con un diagnóstico de rotura aórtica e intervenido de forma urgente mediante una endoprótesis. El control a los seis meses se observó la exclusión completa de la lesión sin fugas.
ConclusiónLa rotura de la aorta torácica en traumatismos cerrados es una entidad de elevada morbimortalidad y la reparación endovascular, a nuestro juicio, constituye una opción válida.
To present our experience in the management of traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta in closed trauma.
IntroductionRupture of the thoracic aorta due to closed traumatic injuries is a severe condition that is associated to high morbidity and mortality rates with conventional surgical treatment. Endovascular surgery is becoming the preferred technique in thoracic vascular pathologies and therefore, due to its being less aggressive, it seems to be even more indicated in this pathology.
Case reportsCase 1: a 34-year-old male who, following a motorcycle accident, had multiple traumatic injuries including several fractured bones and abdominal and cranial injuries. He was brought to our centre with a diagnosis of rupture of the thoracic aorta and was submitted to emergency surgical treatment involving the placement of two stent-grafts. The control visit at 24months revealed complete exclusion of the lesion with no leaks. Case 2: a 19-year-old male who, following an automobile accident, had multiple traumatic injuries including several fractured bones and abdominal and cranial injuries. He was brought to our centre with a diagnosis of rupture of the aorta and was submitted to emergency surgical treatment involving the placement of a stent-graft. The control visit at six months revealed complete exclusion of the lesion with no leaks.
ConclusionsRupture of the thoracic aorta in closed traumatic injuries is a condition with high morbidity and mortality rates and endovascular repair is, in our opinion, a valid therapeutic option.