The present study deals with the analysis of experimental results, regarding of load carrying capacity and strains, obtained from tests on reinforced concrete (RC) columns, strengthened with external carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. The experimental parameters include: number of wrap layers, slenderness of the columns (L/a or L/D) and section geometry (circular or square). A total of 48 specimens were subjected to axial compression. All test specimens were loaded to failure. Compressive stress, both axial and hoop strains have been recorded to evaluate the stress-strain relationship, ultimate stress, stiffness, and ductility. First, the effects of test parameters are analysed and compared. Results clearly demonstrate that composite wrapping can enhance the structural performance of RC columns in terms of both maximum strength and ductility.
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Use of advanced composite materials in strengthening axially loaded reinforced concrete columns
a Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, Laboratory LABETAP, Saad Dahlab University, BP 270, Blida, 09000, Algeria
b Laboratory L.G.G., University of Mohammed Seddik Benyahia, B.P. 98, Citp Ouled Issa- 18000, Jijel, Algeria
c LMDC, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Constantine 1, Route Ain El-Bey, Constantine, 25000, Algeria
d Laboratory L.G.C.G.M., INSA of Rennes, IUT University of Rennes 1. 20, Av des Buttes de Coësmes-CS 70839-35708-Rennes, Cedex 7, France
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RC column
composite material
section shape
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