Lymph flow diversion to the venous system is a pillar of the surgical treatment of lymphedema. We demonstrate (Fig. 1) an end-to-end lymphaticovenous anastomosis with intussusception of the lymphatic vessels conducted by means of a supermicrosurgical technique with 12/0 nylon sutures. Shown are 2 lymphatic vessels (white) anastomosed to a vein (green) and the corresponding fluorescence image (Fig. 2), in which the permeability of the anastomosis is observed by injection of indocyanine green. The patient is a 48-year-old woman with lymphedema of the right upper extremity that had developed over the previous 3 years, secondary to lymphadenectomy due to breast cancer.
Please cite this article as: Lasso JM, Deleyto la Cruz E, Gonzalez-Pozega C. Anastomosis linfático-venosa mediante técnica de supramicrocirugía. Cir Esp. 2019;97:291.