A 50-year-old male with no medical history of interest was brought to our Emergency Department after a closed abdominal trauma caused by farm machinery. Upon arrival, a laceration and a non-reductible mass were observed in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen (Fig. 1). Abdominal computed tomography revealed a tear in the oblique muscles from the anterolateral wall of the left abdomen measuring 4.8cm long, with herniation of the body of the stomach and perigastric fat into the subcutaneous tissue, with no signs of hernia strangulation (Fig. 2). During exploratory laparotomy, a traction injury of the transverse meso-colon was also detected; the ischemic section was resected and a primary anastomosis was performed.
Please cite this article as: Lezcano Gort LE, Herrera Denis I. Hernia traumática del estómago a través de la pared abdominal. Cir Esp. 2013;91:e41.