A 27-year-old woman presented at the Emergency Department with a painful abdominal mass which was growing rapidly. The patient's medical history included moderate alcohol consumption, and she was a smoker and had suffered from undiagnosed abdominal pains for a month. Tests revealed Hb 6.5g, GGT: 106U/l, FA: 673U/l, LDH: 200U/l, amylase: 134U/l, negative pregnancy test, and CT abdominal scan revealed a large pancreatic pseudocyst of 26cm×15cm×13cm at the pancreatic tail, with bleeding from the splenic artery (Fig. 1). An arteriogram of the coeliac trunk and embolization of the lower branch of the splenic artery was performed. The patient was discharged from hospital seven days after the procedure.
Please cite this article as: Arencibia Pérez B, Hidalgo Rodriguez MA, González de Chavez Rodriguez PE, Chocarro Huesa C. Tratamiento del pseudoquiste pancreático hemorrágico mediante embolización selectiva de la arteria esplénica. Cir Esp. 2013;91:e63.