Evaluar nuestros resultados de la resección endometrial histeroscópica y el grado de satisfacción a medio-largo plazo de estas pacientes.
SujetosymétodosSe estudia de forma prospectiva a 48 mujeres a las que se realiza una resección endometrial histeroscópica por hemorragia uterina anormal. Se estudian todas las intervenciones de este tipoque se practicaron entre abril de 1996 y abril de 2000, un total de 285 histeroscopias quirúrgicas. En todos los casos se había realizado una histeroscopia diagnóstica y biopsia en consulta y se había intentado tratamiento médico sin éxito. Entre 6 y 50 meses después de la cirugía, se realiza una encuesta telefónica para evaluar el grado de satisfacción.
ResultadosHallamos un 8,3% de complicaciones, que en todos los casos fueron leves. En el estudio anatomopatológico destaca un caso de adenocarcinoma endometrial sobre un pólipo y otro de hiperplasia atípica de endometrio, a los que se realizó una histerectomía. Nuestros resultados a largo plazo pusieron de manifiesto que hubo que realizar otras 2 histe-rectomías (total, 11,4%). El grado de satisfacción en la encuesta realizada a nuestras pacientes fue alto (65,7%).
To evaluate our results in hysteroscopic endometrial resection and the medium-long term level of satisfaction of the patients.
Subjects and MethodsA prospective study was made, of 48 women who had hysteroscopic endome-trial resection for abnormal uterine bleeding. These were all the interventions of this type carried out between April 96 and April 2000, of a total of 285 surgical hysteroscopies. All these cases had diagnostic hysteroscopy and biopsy as out-patients, and had unsuccessful medical treatment. Between 6 and 50 months following surgery, a telephone survey was carried out to evaluate their grade of satisfaction.
ResultsWe had an 8.3% complications rate, which were all slight. In the pathological study, we highlight one case of endometrial adenocarcinoma from a polyp and another of atypical endometrial hy-perplasia, both of which had hysterectomy. Our long term results showed that 2 more hysterectomies had to be carried out, 11,4% in total. The grade of satisfaction of our patients in the survey was high, 65.7%.
ConclusionOur data reveal an 8.3 % complication rate immediately after hysteroscopic endometrial resection. Of these patients 11.4% had surgery later, hysterectomy. The womens health was very much better in 71.4% of the cases.