Complementary and traditional health care is the choice of complementary and alternative health care in midwifery care to reduce medical interventions during pregnancy and childbirth. Conventional modern care practiced by midwives is less attractive to the Kaili ethnic community and more often choose traditional birth attendants. The aim of this study was to explore the cultural and resource potential of the Kaili ethnic community in traditional and complementary health therapies in Central Sulawesi Province.
MethodsQualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The sampling technique was purposive sampling with 12 participants. Collection of data through observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussion (FGD). Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.
ResultKaili ethnic tradition in prewedding (prenatal care), pregnancy, labor and neonatal care including the ritual ceremony for newborns (nokeso), smearing the body using black powder (badavuri), the custom ritual at first pregnancy (nolama tai), the custom ritual for a sick pregnant mother (novero), traditional massage (niounju/nogoya tai), herbal spiced steam bath (nompasoa) and facial tap (nompie lenje). The Kaili ethnic traditions are believed to have benefits for maternal and baby health and well-being. The Kaili ethnic tradition practiced in complementary and alternative health therapy (CAHT) is massage (niounju) and herbal spiced steam bath (nompasoa). The ingredients used for massage include tulasi leaves (Eng. holy basil; Ltn. Ocium basilicum), santamadia (Eng. mugwort; Ltn. Artemisia vulgaris), shallots, jatropha leaves, and coconut oil, while the ingredients for herbal spiced steam bath are thaba leaves (Derris elliptica), sihannindi (Eng. mothers of million; Ltn. Kalanchoe pinnata), kadhambuku, pelie wood (Alstonia scholaris) and warm water.
ConclusionKaili ethnic-based complementary and traditional health therapy (CAHT) for maternal and baby care practiced through integrated cultural midwifery care is traditional massage (niounju) and herbal spiced steam bath (nompasoa).