The European Journal of Psychiatry is a quarterly publication founded in 1986 and directed by Professor A. Seva until his death in 2004. The journal is indexed in different bibliographic data bases, including the Social Sciences Citation Index. It is supported by the Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health, has been open to contributions from all over the world, and also has North American and Asian-Pacific co- editors.
A new stage of development of the journal has started in 2017. A new Editorial Board has been appointed and an advanced on-line editorial system has been implemented. Our new publishing partners will help to assure that our valuable research gets broadly disseminated, providing a more accessible entry into our contribution.
The overriding criteria for publication are originality, a high scientific quality and interest to a wide audience of those concerned with all aspects of mental illness. The scope is broad and the journal is committed to present new developments in the full spectrum of issues related to psychiatry and mental health, in areas linked to biological, psychological and social sciences. It will include basic studies and the growing application of clinical laboratory techniques in psychiatry. The European Journal of Psychiatry is determined to place particular emphasis on clinical issues related to a personalised medicine, including prevention and early intervention.
All original papers will be refereed by independent experts in the field. Review articles and monographs designed to bring the reader up to date with research in the area will be a feature of the journal. There is a Book Review section and correspondence to the editor will be considered for publication.
The journal will be of interest to psychiatrists, psychologists, social scientists, nurses and others engaged in mental health professions, together with basic neurobiological researchers.
Indexada en:
Social Sciences Citation Index. Behavioral Measurement Data Base Services (BMDS). Biosciences Information Service (BIOSIS). Current Contents / Social Behavioral Sciences. e-psyche LLC. Excerpta Medica (EMBASE). Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (IBECS). ISOC. Mental Health Abstracts DataBase. NISC Family Studies Databases. PsycAlert. Psychological Abstracts (PA). PsycINFO. Social Planning Policy and Development (SODOPA). Sociological Abstracts (SA). SCOPUS
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